[6393] in java-interest
Re: snow.servonet.com
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Julian)
Sat Mar 30 10:16:10 1996
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 09:48:00 -0500
From: Julian <jkmissig@VOICENET.COM>
To: Multiple recipients of list JAVA-INTEREST
Robert Gwynne wrote:
> >>>On Wed, 20 Mar 1996, Leila Azmoudeh wrote:
> >>
> >>>> snow.servonet.com
> >>>>
> >>>> follow the tour, it will take you to java.
> >>>> Have fun!
> Yeah, it works fine with Win95, but it doesn't give the user a way to get
> back to my vanilla Netscape home page. If a user opens an applet, the
> developer should include an escape. Clicking on home sent me to the snow
> home page and the applet was still open.
> Bob Gwynne
> _______________________________________________________________________
> Robert Gwynne | Radio has become a business where the
> Speech Communication | stakes are too high for the music to
> be good.
> University of Tennessee | Modern commercial radio is about real
> estate.
> gwynne@utkux.utk.edu | It's not about art or music or
> communication.
> http://utkvx.utcc.utk.edu/~gwynne | Most people own radio stations so
> they can
> | build up their equity in them and
> then sell | them.
> Vin Scelsa, WNEW New York
> -----
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When I used it, I clicked on 'Exit' and it brought me out of the applet, and
back to where I was before I entered it.
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