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Re: Rotate Text?

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Arthur van Hoff)
Sat Mar 30 02:44:26 1996

Date:         Mon, 25 Mar 1996 09:46:35 -0800
From: Arthur van Hoff <avh@HAVEFUN.COM>
To: Multiple recipients of list JAVA-INTEREST

Hi Brian,

> How do I rotate text? I want to use g.drawString
> to draw text at an angle.

There is no way to do that using the AWT.

> Do I have to write my own? Or has someone else
> already done it? I am considering using some
> X Window rotate font code and translating it
> into Java or using the Hershey vector font set.

That would be possible, but you would need to write some
native code.

Have fun,

        Arthur van Hoff

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