[6363] in java-interest
Re: HotJava under new API
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Arthur van Hoff)
Fri Mar 29 23:26:07 1996
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 1996 11:47:40 -0800
From: Arthur van Hoff <avh@HAVEFUN.COM>
To: Multiple recipients of list JAVA-INTEREST
Hi Coby,
> Has anyone rebuilt the HotJava Java application with the current API
> (ie, the Beta 2 class libraries)?
Yes, I have. That is what I was working on until we left Sun. The beta
HotJava browser (which I believe is due to be released soon) is entirely
written on top of the JDK APIs.
> Anyhow, I hope that others share my interest in HotJava, which could be
> a springboard for web goodies such as intelligent agents and new search
> engines.
Don't bother porting the alpha3 browser, the new browser will
blow it away in many respects.
Have fun,
Arthur van Hoff
Suite 3, 345 California Avenue, Palo Alto CA 94306
415-328 JAVA (main), 415-328 5283 (direct), 415-328 5295 (fax)
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