[6357] in java-interest
Re: snow.servonet.com
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Mischa Reinhardt)
Fri Mar 29 21:56:21 1996
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 1996 16:19:52 +0100
To: Multiple recipients of list JAVA-INTEREST
In-Reply-To: <199603251514.PAA01645@camtek.co.uk> from "Brian Compston" at Mar
25, 96 03:14:49 pm
>>On Wed, 20 Mar 1996, Leila Azmoudeh wrote:
>>> snow.servonet.com
>>> follow the tour, it will take you to java.
>>> Have fun!
>>on sunos 4.1.3 netscape 2.0 when i clicked on sudden snowfall my
>>browser window collapsed leaving behind an empty window (titled
>>"Netscape Navigator 2.0". btw, the browser is still up, other
>>windows work.
>Exactly the same on Solaris 2.5 version
>Brian Compston
>Camtek Ltd
The same on IRIX5.3 - but the page looks really great ;-)
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