[6356] in java-interest
Re: Rotate Text?
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Lee Collins)
Fri Mar 29 21:39:39 1996
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 1996 08:03:38 -0600
From: Lee Collins <spacely@XSITE.NET>
To: Multiple recipients of list JAVA-INTEREST
So, Where's the Code ?
At 10:54 AM 3/25/96 +0000, Kevin Conner wrote:
>Brian Elliott wrote:
>> How do I rotate text? I want to use g.drawString
>> to draw text at an angle.
>> Do I have to write my own? Or has someone else
>> already done it? I am considering using some
>> X Window rotate font code and translating it
>> into Java or using the Hershey vector font set.
>Can you summarise any responses you get?
>I implemented a generic class which would rotate an image and used
>this to spin text. I was not very happy with it's performance but,
>as this was my introduction to Image manipulation, I didn't go back
>to modify the code.
> Kev
>Kevin Conner knrc@impltd.com Integrated Micro Products
>Software Engineer +44 1207 585533 Consett, County Durham, UK
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