[6354] in java-interest
Re: question re. awt.Graphics
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Arthur van Hoff)
Fri Mar 29 18:35:54 1996
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 1996 09:48:24 -0800
From: Arthur van Hoff <avh@HAVEFUN.COM>
To: Multiple recipients of list JAVA-INTEREST
Hi Sundar,
> I think these should be obvious, but perusing the code, examples and
> FAQ's failed to help.
> 1. How does one draw lines of varying thickness / dash patterns (I
> could write my own, but there seems to be no setPixel()) ?
You have to do it all yourself. For thick lines you have to draw
multiple lines. You can do dashed lines efficiently if you use
offscreen images cleverly.
> 2. How does one do stipples? (i.e filled areas with patterns/tiles)
You can do tiled patterns using offscreen images. It is not very
efficient, but it works ok.
Have fun,
Arthur van Hoff
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