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Re: http server connection

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Mike Paluka)
Fri Mar 29 18:30:14 1996

Date:         Mon, 25 Mar 1996 09:41:27 -0800
From: Mike Paluka <mikep@EXMACHINA.COM>
To: Multiple recipients of list JAVA-INTEREST

At 12:49 PM 3/20/96 -0800, you wrote:
>Hai !
>     I am trying to write a web browser like software using java.
>     I have  a Laptop loaded with windowsnt4.0 , Internet Information Server
>of microsoft. and netsacpe web browser.
>     When I use a browser like netscape  to display the web page, it takes 5
>minutes to bring the default.htm. Why should this happen , because the
>server and the web browser are in the same machine(laptop)?.

Are you using ActiveX?  This is still in beta, and there are a number of
caveats relating to local URLs (don't use a relative path in "FILE:", must
be absolute).

Are you using some form of Microsoft's Just-In-Time (JIT) java/javascript

Is your URL actually "looping" back, such as thru an internet proxy?

I strongly suggest that you begin with a simple, reliable server program.
Microsoft is new at this, and not fully compliant with anyone's standards.

Michael J. Paluka
Senior Software Engineer
Ex Machina, Inc.

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