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File I/O on Server or Client

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Alan Masters)
Fri Mar 29 17:54:46 1996

Date:         Mon, 18 Mar 1996 20:57:53 +0000
From: Alan Masters <arm@MAG-NET.CO.UK>
To: Multiple recipients of list JAVA-INTEREST

I (think I) recall seeing a reference somewhere to File I/O from Java which
could operate either on the Server or the Client Kit.

I must confess that I am not clear where the files are expected to be,
as the only thing I have succeeded in getting working so far is the "FileDialog"
window, which appears to reference files in my current directory.

(I am on a Networked system where my wokstation can mount files from the
server and so I am not clear whether these are Server or Client files).

However, I can visualise two scenarios where a clear distinction is necessary:

1.      An application to view a map is available on a remote server,
        the data for the map is stored on that server.

2.      The user would like to make annotations on that map and store the data
        on their local kit.

I am sure there are many other such scenarios, but hopefully that is a
simple example.

I would be grateful if anybody could refer me to some documentation to
relieve this confusion.

        Many thanks,            Alan Masters.

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