[6349] in java-interest

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Re: Ada 95 and Ada-to-Java

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Tank)
Fri Mar 29 17:29:15 1996

Date:         Mon, 18 Mar 1996 20:05:55 -0600
From: Tank <Tank@PG.NET>
To: Multiple recipients of list JAVA-INTEREST

>>     Is the following statement true or false?
>>     Java is a programming language that is compiled to a machine-like code
>>     commonly known as J-code.
>False, here would be the true statement: Java is a programming language that
>is compiled into non machine-specific code, commonly known as bytecode.

Actually, this is also incorrect.  The Java language is compiled into
bytecode which is runnable on a particular machine (The Java Virtual
Machine)...  Other physical computers are responsible for emulating the


Tank (SPM)                 Sean P. McNamara
                           The Planet Group, Inc.
Tank@PG.NET                Design, Communications, and Technology
                           Voice: (312) 772-8333
                           Fax:   (312) 772-9214

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