[6341] in java-interest
Re: Where to purchase Cafe
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (brigham stevens)
Fri Mar 29 15:59:29 1996
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 1996 17:24:46 -0800
From: brigham stevens <brighams@FUTURELABS.COM>
To: Multiple recipients of list JAVA-INTEREST
I bought mine at Fry's Electronics in Palo Alto. They had it on one of
the front shelves, but it appeared that supplies were dwindling. I
waited forever to get one from Programmer's Supershop, so canceled in
favor of Fry's.
I like Cafe a lot, it is pretty easy to use (If you have used an IDE
before), FAST, and the UI editor is pretty good.
Coby Royer wrote:
> Greetings, Javaphytes:
> Has anybody out there bought Symantec Cafe from one of those old-fashioned
> distribution channels? (You know, retail stores ... .) I have a client
> who wants to purchase Cafe without sending a Credit Card number across
> the internet (another topic!). Symantec's links to pages of the recommended
> retailers did not turn up anything. My client's coporate liason from Egghead
> indicated a tremendous backorder.
> Thanks in advance ;-).
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