[6338] in java-interest
Re: debugging applets in Frames
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Wes Hester)
Fri Mar 29 15:24:06 1996
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 1996 18:54:38 +0800
From: Wes Hester <jwhester@CS.NPS.NAVY.MIL>
To: Multiple recipients of list JAVA-INTEREST
I have successfully compiled JAVA on Slackware 1.2.13. There is a JAVA
HOWTO on the sunsite.unc.edu site. I simply followed the instructions
and off I went. I ran into a problem however, when I attempted to run
some of my C++ programs. I kept receiving segmentation faults on programs
that I know worked previously. I think the new linker that you install for
JAVA was the cause of my problems. If I understood how the g++ compiler
and the linker worked, I might be able to solve that problem. Otherwise,
JAVA worked fine. I had to use Netscape to view things that I compiled.
Hope this helps
Wes Hester
Naval Postgraduate School
2 University Circle, SGC-1721
Monterey, CA, 93943
(408) 656-2056, jwhester@cs.nps.navy.mil
Web: vislab-www.nps.navy.mil/~jwhester
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