[6337] in java-interest
Re: Documentation
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Lee Collins)
Fri Mar 29 15:12:06 1996
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 1996 21:30:00 -0600
From: Lee Collins <spacely@XSITE.NET>
To: Multiple recipients of list JAVA-INTEREST
Get a copy of WinZip off the NET.
Look at www.yahoo.com for where it probably is.
Joe wrote:
> I am currently using Windows NT/Java and would like to download some of the
> documentation from Sun's Web page. However, most of this documentation is in a
> tar format and not Zip format. Does anyone know of a utility I could use to
> uncompress this tar format ?? TIA - Joe Spinelli
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class LeeCollins
extends JavaDeveloper
implements IllustriousJavaCode
final static String organization = "Spacely Text and Binary
Goods Inc.";
final static String emailAddress = "Spacely@XSite.net";
final static String phoneNumber = "312/684-4444";
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