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HotJava under new API

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Coby Royer)
Fri Mar 29 14:17:26 1996

Date:         Mon, 25 Mar 1996 18:00:34 -0700
From: Coby Royer <croye@ENET.NET>
To: Multiple recipients of list JAVA-INTEREST

Has anyone rebuilt the HotJava Java application with the current API
(ie, the Beta 2 class libraries)?

The new API has significantly restructured the packages and changes some
classes that are required for building HotJava.  This necessitates
significant changes to the original HotJava source in order to build
it under the Sun-sanctioned API. (Building HotJava under the Beta 2.0 API
could be achieved by separating the original HotJava classes into those
which are part of the new API and those which are not.  The former will
require modified "import" statements for the new package names, and the
latter will need to be grouped together as new HotJava source files.
Of course, differences between old and new versions of supported
classes could cause grief... .)

One could conjecture the lessened interest in supporting a ready-made
(and easily modified) web browser relates to strong partnering between
Sun and web technology providers.  Conversely, fostering support and
interest in web tools should actually help all players.  Perhaps it
is the departure of important developers from Sun's Java team that has
stifled the support of the HotJava project... ?  Sun is doing a great job
of delivering this new technology, and I hope that continued support
for browser tools is part of their gameplan.  The primitives are still
there, but a whole application like HotJava is a real bonus! :-)

Anyhow, I hope that others share my interest in HotJava, which could be
a springboard for web goodies such as intelligent agents and new search

PS -- A warning to anyone considering purchase of "MecklerMedia's Official
Internet World 60 Minute Guide to Java" (Ed Tittel and Mark Gaither,
IDG Books).  Some of the programming examples require the HotJava set of
class libraries.  I do not know whether a new version of this text is

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