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Threads, Synchronized methods, and Monitors

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Walter Szewelanczyk)
Thu Mar 28 20:13:46 1996

Date:         Sat, 23 Mar 1996 14:19:14 +0000
From: Walter Szewelanczyk <Walter@ADCO.COM>
To: Multiple recipients of list JAVA-INTEREST

Hi everyone,

I have what is probably a simple question but I just want to make
sure that I am looking at things properly.

My question deals with what exactly happens durring the call to
notify().  I am assuming that the thread calling notify() will not be
yeilding but will be allowed to continue processing as it was
(obviously with all thread schedueling rules still intact).  Now if
notify()  is called from a sychronized method does the monitor get
released with the call to notify() or when the method exits?

Thanks in advance,


Walter Szewelanczyk                                     Technical Director
Walter@adco.com                                         NET VENTURE, Inc.
http://www.adco.com                                     RR1 Box 1168A
(207) 737-8205                                          Richmond, Maine 04357

        "One must stay in a very RIGID state of FLEXIBILITY"


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