[86064] in tlhIngan-Hol
Re: Klingon translation
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (ghunchu'wI')
Sat Jun 27 17:20:29 2009
In-Reply-To: <4A468448.50800@trimboli.name>
From: "ghunchu'wI'" <qunchuy@alcaco.net>
Date: Sat, 27 Jun 2009 17:19:10 -0400
To: tlhingan-hol@kli.org
Errors-to: tlhingan-hol-bounce@kli.org
Reply-to: tlhingan-hol@kli.org
On Jun 27, 2009, at 4:42 PM, David Trimboli wrote:
> Terrence Donnelly wrote:
>>> On the other hand, it does seem that the law'/puS verbs can take
>>> some verb suffixes, so I propose again {SuS bIr HoS law''a' qo' Hov
>>> HoS puS'a' pagh qo' Hov HoS law''a' SuS bIr HoS puS'a'}
> Woah! How does it seem that we can do that?
Indeed, how? KGT shows the potential of using different word pairs
to replace the law' and puS, but I've never seen anything to suggest
we can use anything but unaffixed verbs there.
-- ghunchu'wI'