[86034] in tlhIngan-Hol
Re: KLBC: The North Wind and the Sun
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (David Trimboli)
Fri Jun 26 18:17:45 2009
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 17:50:36 -0400
From: David Trimboli <david@trimboli.name>
In-reply-to: <88E18B7D-BBE8-4A71-9D8E-1A5E42418CBA@evertype.com>
To: tlhingan-hol@kli.org
Errors-to: tlhingan-hol-bounce@kli.org
Reply-to: tlhingan-hol@kli.org
Michael Everson wrote:
> On 26 Jun 2009, at 00:40, David Trimboli wrote:
>>> ’Iv HoS law’ ’Iv HoS puS, ’e’ ghoHtaHvIS SuS bIr Hov je, ghoSpu’
>>> lengwI’. wep tuj tuQtaH ghaH.
>>> What do you make of it?
>> "While the cold wind and the star argue that who is stronger, the
>> traveler has gone. He is wearing a hot jacket."
> Did you mean "the traveller has *come*"? Note that for the tenses I
> followed the model at the top of TKD p. 63.
{ghoS} means "come," "go," "approach," "proceed"; all of these things.
You should use something more specific, like {paw} "arrive."
As for grammatical tense: it simply doesn't exist in Klingon, so you
can't expect someone to know what time something happens unless you
specifically include it in the context.
We generally accept that Okrand's use of aspect suffixes in TKD is
suspect, and we even know the reason: {-pu'} started out as a tense
suffix, but script rewrites forced him to change its meaning. Don't
follow sentence patterns blindly; make sure they include all the
intended information in Klingon, regardless of how someone might
translate it.
>> You can't put a Type 7 verb suffix on a verb with /'e'/ as its
>> object (TKD p. 66), so you can't say {'e' <verb>taHvIS}.
> Then...?
Recast the sentence. (This has been done for you elsewhere.) I did
mention that since I didn't know what you were trying to say, I wasn't
going to provide corrections. How you recast the sentence depends
entirely on what the sentence means.
tlhIngan Hol MUSH