[46] in tlhIngan-Hol
Sun Feb 16 15:19:22 1992
Errors-To: tlhIngan-Hol-request@village.boston.ma.us
From: mark@cc.gatech.edu (Mark J. Reed)
To: "Klingon Language List" <tlhIngan-Hol@village.boston.ma.us>
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 91 12:17:34 EST
Mark Reed vIponglu'taH. My name is Mark Reed. I am studying
"Georgia Tech"Daq De' De'wI'QeD je information and computer science at
vIHaDlI'. DajtaH "Star Trek" Georgia Tech. I am interested in
HolQeD je 'e' vIHartaH. both Star Trek and linguistics.
Eddie Maisemo' "list"vam vItu'pu' I found out about this list through
(qatlho' Eddie). DaH terangan Hol Eddie Maise (thank you, Eddie). Now
vIjatlh. I will use English.
I bought a first edition tlhIngan mu'ghom when they came out, but had
difficulty finding anyone with whom to practice the language. I've followed
the development and usage in the movies and TNG (and grimaced at some of the
accents . . .). Now, thanks to Eddie (who borrowed my dictionary to compose
his introduction, and returned to me a new edition - thanks much!), I have
access to a whole group of tlhIngan speakers. Greetings.
I wanted to say more in tlhIngan, but ran into several problems. In
particular, how does one make temporal references in Klingon? The dictionary
mentions "days ago" and "years ago", but how does one say "at 6 o'clock" or
"in 1985"?
I translated "I am interested in X" as "I believe X are interesting." I was
tempted to use "be interesting" as a transitive or use the indirect object
construction without a direct object (to mean "are interesting to me"), but
wasn't sure about the interpretation. I welcome further dissection of my
"holiday"ra' QuchtaHjaj!
Mark J. Reed College of Computing Technical Support
<mark@cc.gatech.edu> Georgia Institute of Technology