[41] in tlhIngan-Hol
Introduction: Georgia QeD DuSaQ Eddie Maise jiH
Sun Feb 16 15:18:40 1992
From: gt5878b@cad.gatech.edu (Charles Edward Maise)
To: "Klingon Languange List" <tlhIngan-Hol@village.boston.ma.us>
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 91 14:43:09 EST
Georgia QeD DuSaQ Eddie Maise jIH.
tlhIngan Hol qeqwIjmo' jIH po' law'ta'qu'be' jIH'eghnISchoHbogh po'
puSta'qu'be'. vaj tera'ngan Hol je ghogh 'oHlI' jabbI'IDvam ratlhwI''e'.
[I am Eddie Maise of the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Because of my limited experience with the Klingon language, I am not yet
as skilled as I need to be. Therefore, the remainder of this message will
be in English, both in language and tone.]
I first found out about this list from rec.arts.startrek.info. I have only
recently subscribed.
Since I started carrying the Klingon Dictionary around I've been accused of
being a get-a-lifer; rest assured, however, that I am anything but. Star Trek
to me is a fun t.v. show that hits about as often as it misses, which is
pretty darn good for television. I drop by conventions a couple times a year,
and I read rec.arts.startrek.info to keep up with what's going on.
I do not read rec.arts.startrek. I don't have that many hours in a day.
I've always been interested in other languages. I don't speak many well,
but Someday-When-I-Have-The-Time I'd like to learn Russian, Japanese,
sign language, and, of course, Klingon (just for the heck of it). :)
There hasn't been any activity on this list since I joined. (Perhaps something
is broken and I'm just not getting the articles.) I'll be making a
few posts over the next few days in an effort to stimulate some discussion.
I think this list is a nifty idea and hope that it becomes productive.
Eddie Maise gt5878b@prism.gatech.edu yuQ pImDaq moQnay'Hommey lujablu'taH