[4] in tlhIngan-Hol
Error in Klingon Dictionary?
Sun Feb 16 15:14:57 1992
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 91 11:32:38 MDT
From: ima.ima.isc.com!zia.aoc.nrao.edu!jogle@village.boston.ma.us (Jim Ogle (Ks. Jim))
To: tlhIngan-Hol@IMA.ISC.COM
In the list of Klingon expressions in the back of the Klingon Dictionary,
for the phrase "I cannot speak Klingon" shouldn't the verb be vIjatlhlaHbe'
instead of vljatlhlaHbe' ?
The vl- prefix isn't anywhere in the Dictionary as far as I can tell and
it seems the vI- prefix is necessary due to the subject and object of
the sentence.
Jim Ogle (jogle@zia.aoc.nrao.edu)