[37] in tlhIngan-Hol
Grammarian responds...
Sun Feb 16 15:18:07 1992
From: ima.ima.isc.com!krankor@village.boston.ma.us (Captain Krankor)
To: tlhIngan-Hol@IMA.ISC.COM
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 91 16:47:34 -0400
Ok, here we have a letter from Tzoq Mrekazh, and a correction from
VarSan. Now let me correct the correction {{:-)
>Tzoq Mrekazh asked for comment on the following:
>> <Tzoq Mrekazh> vIpong jIH. qanada tlhIngan HIvwI'ghom wImuvtu' jIH
>>be'nalHeywI' je. <Lyras DevwI'> pong be'nalHeywI'. muvuQtaH tlhIngan Hol
>>tlhIngan mu'ghom vItu'DI' 'ach not vIlaDta'be'.
>> My name is Tzoq Mrekazh. My consort and I have joined the Klingon Assault
>>Group of Canada. My consort's name is Lyras DevwI'. The Klingon language
>>fascinated me when I discovered the Klingon Dictioniary, though I had not
>>read the dictionary before.
>SalIH'egh ('I introduce myself to you all', with dative sense in Sa-)
SalIH'egh might be an improvement over the original jIlIH'egh, but I
don't think there's anything inherently wrong with using jI in this
case. Either works for me.
>"Tzoq Mrezazh" pongwIj. (with noun construction; otherwise: jIponglu'
> 'I am called'?)
This is incorrect, as my recent posting on the subject explained. Also,
if you use the verb construction with lu', the prefix must be vI, not jI,
as I explained a couple weeks ago. Thus, this should be either:
"Tzoq Mrezazh" 'oH pongwIj'e' -or- "Tzoq Mrezazh" vIponglu'
>qanaDa tlhIngan HIvwI' ghom wImuvta' jIH be'nalHeywI' je.
>"Lyras DevwI'" be'nalHeywI' pong. (possessor preceding posessed)
Same comment, this is incorrect. Here is a correct way:
"Lyras DevwI'" 'oH be'nalHeywI' pong'e'.
Or perhaps:
"Lyras DevwI'" pong'egh be'nalHeywI'
>tlhIngan mu'ghom vIpu'DI' muvuQtaH tlhIngan Hol, 'ach not vIlaDta'be'.
>(I prefer preposing the subordinate -DI' clause to separate the noun
>phrases tlhIngan Hol and tlhIngan mu'ghom.)
I rather prefer it that way myself, but for the record, the original
order is perfectly correct and legal.
--Krankor, Grammarian