[26] in tlhIngan-Hol
Tziq ghItlh
Sun Feb 16 15:16:37 1992
From: Michael Everson <ima.ima.isc.com!ICNUCEVM.CNUCE.CNR.IT!MEVERC95%IRLEARN.UCD.IE@village.boston.ma.us>
To: tlhIngan Hol jatlhwI' <tlhIngan-Hol@IMA.ISC.COM>
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 91 23:21:36 GMT
Tzoq Mrekazh asked for comment on the following:
> <Tzoq Mrekazh> vIpong jIH. qanada tlhIngan HIvwI'ghom wImuvtu' jIH
>be'nalHeywI' je. <Lyras DevwI'> pong be'nalHeywI'. muvuQtaH tlhIngan Hol
>tlhIngan mu'ghom vItu'DI' 'ach not vIlaDta'be'.
> My name is Tzoq Mrekazh. My consort and I have joined the Klingon Assault
>Group of Canada. My consort's name is Lyras DevwI'. The Klingon language
>fascinated me when I discovered the Klingon Dictioniary, though I had not
>read the dictionary before.
The hardest thing about Klingon for me is syntax of compound sentences, but
some of the more difficult parts of this text remind me of some of my own
earliest forays into the language. It takes a long time to get fluent in
a language, and for my own exercise I thought I'd translate this text into
Klingon myself and see if I came up with anything different. DoH:
SalIH'egh ('I introduce myself to you all', with dative sense in Sa-)
"Tzoq Mrezazh" pongwIj. (with noun construction; otherwise: jIponglu'
'I am called'?)
qanaDa tlhIngan HIvwI' ghom wImuvta' jIH be'nalHeywI' je.
"Lyras DevwI'" be'nalHeywI' pong. (possessor preceding posessed)
tlhIngan mu'ghom vIpu'DI' muvuQtaH tlhIngan Hol, 'ach not vIlaDta'be'.
(I prefer preposing the subordinate -DI' clause to separate the noun
phrases tlhIngan Hol and tlhIngan mu'ghom.)
> Any comments or suggestions?
Those are my comments or suggestions. maj ghItlhpu'!