[24] in tlhIngan-Hol
Sun Feb 16 15:16:25 1992
From: ima.ima.isc.com!ATHENA.MIT.EDU!mosquito@village.boston.ma.us
To: tlhIngan-Hol@IMA.ISC.COM
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 91 01:49:16 -0400
nuqneH. email-list-vam chu' jIH, 'ej tlhIngan Hol chu' jIH (wa'maH Hu'?).
Kevin Iga pongwij, 'ej mosquito@athena.mit.edu username-wIj. MIT-Daq tlhIngan
Hol wIghojmoH maQub ghojwI'pu'.
(can I use that to say 'a bunch of us students'?)
Question: Where can I get a copy of the Klingon alphabet (and, of course,
what each symbol transliterates to)?
Also: How do you tell time in Klingon? (i.e. What time is it? It's 5:00.
It's 3:45.) And what do these numbers mean in terms of the position of the
sun? (i.e. Is the first hour the hour after sunrise? midnight?)
\ /
Kevin Iga