[19] in tlhIngan-Hol

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Translation and conceptualization

Sun Feb 16 15:16:01 1992

Resent-From: tlhIngan-Hol-request@village.boston.ma.us
From: Michael Everson <ima.ima.isc.com!ICNUCEVM.CNUCE.CNR.IT!MEVERC95%IRLEARN.UCD.IE@village.boston.ma.us>
To: tlhIngan Hol jatlhwI' <tlhIngan-Hol@IMA.ISC.COM>
Date:    Wed, 21 Aug 91 11:47:45 EST
Errors-To: tlhIngan-Hol-request@village.boston.ma.us
Resent-To: tlhIngan-Hol-subscribers@IMA.ISC.COM

Recently I found a text which had been translated by a group known
for its inventiveness and willingness to learn languages and engage in
translation. This text shows some of the difficulties one might have
in conveying Terran concepts to xenosophonts.

Hov Dache'taH:
reH ponglI' batlhlu'taH.
Dat wo'lI' tu'lu'taH:
ra'lI' loblu'taH,
yuQDaq 'ej Hov wo'Daq.
jajvam Sopma' ghonobneS.
yemma' tIHupQo'neS
wI'wemlu' 'ach maHupbe'.
'ach mIghvo' ghoQantaHneS.
Wo'lI' je HoSlI' je noylI' je taltaH:
DaH 'ej poHpu' poHDaq.

Comment is invited.


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