[1629] in Dilbert Redistribution
Facts First.
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Admin Staff)
Sat Oct 20 22:22:52 2018
To: dilbert.discuss@charon.mit.edu
From: "Admin Staff" <reply@algebra.hr>
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2018 09:24:02 -0700
Reply-To: "Admin Staff" <harrybedraa@gmail.com>
I am very sorry reaching you through this medium. I am a member of the Euro=
pean Debt Recovery Unit and I am aware of your ordeal about your unpaid fun=
It may interest you to know that not long after the Debt Management Office =
(DMO) completed the merger and acquisition process of all pending payments =
occasion through the petition raised by the international community about t=
heir unpaid funds. I discovered that their boss connived with some top offi=
cials to divert funds approve to settle unpaid inheritances, email lottery =
winners, Internet scam victims, unclaimed consignments(concealed funds) and=
International Contractors.
The DMO has already given approval for the payment of your fund but they de=
liberately withheld your payment file and continue to demand fees from you =
through their associates from different unassigned affiliates mostly from A=
frica, US,UK and the Netherlands, all in an attempt to frustrate you and en=
rich themselves. I wonder why you haven=E2=80=99t notice all this while.
You may choose to disbelieve this email as inconceivable facts but my doctr=
ine does not permit such act, reason I have to open up to you to seek the r=
ight channel. Your fund was authorized to be paid to you through the DMO as=
set management firm with a claim code numbers, which was supposed to have b=
een issued to you before now.
Upon your response, I shall guide you through and provide you with details =
to contact the assigned affiliate who will expeditiously facilitate the rel=
ease of your fund. =
Thanks and You have a wonderful day. =
Yours Faithfully,
Administrative Staff.
European Debt Recovery Agent, UK.Ref:118/09010018/dp204/