[17357] in cryptography@c2.net mail archive
Re: Papers about "Algorithm hiding" ?
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Ian G)
Sat Jun 4 12:14:33 2005
X-Original-To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
X-Original-To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
From: Ian G <iang@systemics.com>
To: Steve Furlong <demonfighter@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 11:43:22 +0100
Cc: cryptography@metzdowd.com
In-Reply-To: <7d752ae305060205504157e7be@mail.gmail.com>
On Thursday 02 June 2005 13:50, Steve Furlong wrote:
> On 5/31/05, Ian G <iang@systemics.com> wrote:
> > I don't agree with your conclusion that hiding algorithms
> > is a requirement. I think there is a much better direction:
> > spread more algorithms. If everyone is using crypto then
> > how can that be "relevant" to the case?
> This is so, in the ideal. But "if everyone would only..." never seems
> to work out in practice. Better to rely on what you can on your own or
> with a small group.
The number of people who are involved is actually quite
small if you think it through. It's more a shift in attitude that
is the barrier, not a large number of people who have to
be sold.
GPG is an application that could be delivered by default
in all free OSs. BSD is more or less installed automatically
with SSH installed. Linux machines that are set up are
also generally set up with SSH.
=46rom there it isn't a large step conceptually to install GPG
in the base installs. Start with the BSDs (because they
understand security) and Linux (because they understand
It's also not a large step to add a special hook into SSH
and browsers to add a simple file encryption utility. Just
like OpenPGP's secret key mode. It doesn't have to be
good, it just has to be there. A lot of machines have OpenSSL
in them (this is how we get easy access to SHA1). Can we
add a simple file encrypt to that?
Once all the Unixen have these, the next step is to encourage
a little usage... All you need to do is have one person that
you communicate with like your brother or sister for the fun
of doing some crypto chat, and it now becomes a regular
*non-relevant* issue. All we need to do is to encrypt and
protect one file and encryption becomes easy.
> In response to Hadmut's question, for instance, I'd hide the crypto
> app by renaming the executable. This wouldn't work for a complex app
> like PGP Suite but would suffice for a simple app. Rename the
> encrypted files as well and you're fairly safe. (I've consulted with
> firms that do disk drive analysis. From what I've seen, unless the
> application name or the data file extensions are in a known list, they
> won't be seen. But my work has been in the realm of civil suits,
> contract disputes, SEC claims, and the like; the investigators might
> be more thorough when trying to nail someone for kiddie porn.)
Right. If they find any evidence of "information hiding"
other than a boring OpenPGP install that is as common
as crazy frog mp3s then that's what I'd call "highly relevent"
evidence. That would make matters worse for the particular
case at hand.
Information hiding is real sexy. I wouldn't recommend it
for anyone who isn't really sure of their situation, and is
willing to understand that if he gets caught with it, he's
> Or use another app which by the way has crypto. Winzip apparently has
> some implementation flaws
> (http://www.cse.ucsd.edu/users/tkohno/papers/WinZip/ ) but a quick
> google doesn't show anything but brute force and dictionary attacks
> against WinRar.
Certainly using another app is fine. What would be more
relevant to the direct issue is that it becomes routine to
encrypt and to have encryption installed. See the recent
threads on where all the data is being lost - user data is
being lost simply because the companies don't protect
it. Why aren't they protecting it? Because there are no
easy tools that are built in to automatically and easily
protect it.
The picture here is becoming overwhelmingly clear - in order
to protect users we should be employing as much crypto as
we can openly, opportunistically, and easily. Anything that
holds back from users protecting their data is a bad, and
anything that moves them forward in protecting their data
is a good.
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