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Re: The Pointlessness of the MD5 "attacks"

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Ben Laurie)
Wed Dec 22 12:34:35 2004

X-Original-To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
X-Original-To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 17:24:23 +0000
From: Ben Laurie <ben@algroup.co.uk>
To: David Wagner <daw@cs.berkeley.edu>
Cc: cryptography@metzdowd.com
In-Reply-To: <200412151635.iBFGZeUf008163@taverner.CS.Berkeley.EDU>

David Wagner wrote:
> Ben Laurie writes:
>>Dan Kaminsky's recent posting seems to have caused some excitement, but 
>>I really can't see why. In particular, the idea of having two different 
>>executables with the same checksum has attracted attention.
>>But the only way I can see to exploit this would be to have code that 
>>did different things based on the contents of some bitmap. My contention 
>>is that if the code is open, then it will be obvious that it does 
>>"something bad" if a bit is tweaked, and so will be suspicious, even if 
>>the "something bad" is not triggered in the version seen.
>>So, to exploit this successfully, you need code that cannot or will not 
>>be inspected. My contention is that any such code is untrusted anyway, 
>>so being able to change its behaviour on the basis of embedded bitmap 
>>changes is a parlour trick. You may as well have it ping a website to 
>>find out whether to misbehave.
> I guess I disagree.  Imagine that the code has some block cipher with
> some S-boxes hardcoded into it.  The code uses this block cipher to
> decrypt an associated ciphertext and outputs (or takes some action based
> on) the resulting message.  This is an example of code that could be
> used to fool a MD5 checksum.  Moreover, I don't have a great deal of
> confidence that even a careful code inspection would cause the code to
> be considered suspicious.  Consequently, I don't have great confidence
> that such an attack would be detected.

Assuming you could find a collision s.t. the resulting decryption looked 
safe with one version and unsafe with the other (rather than gibberish), 
which I find an even bigger stretch than the idea that you could find a 
block that looked safe in one version and unsafe in another, I would 
have said that the mere fact of using a pointless decryption to control 
the action of the code would be suspect.

> I know it is tempting to think that, look, Wang et al only found a pair
> of random-looking messages that collide; they didn't claim to find a pair
> of meaningful messages that collide; and maybe we can hope that there is
> no way to come up with a pair of meaningful-looking colliding messages.

That kind of thinking may tempt you, but it doesn't tempt me. I am not 
discussing what it might be possible to do, I am discussing what it is 
possibile to do.

> But I think that kind of hope is unfounded, and acting on hope is
> asking for trouble.  I believe the only safe course now is to assume
> that MD5's collision resistance is totally broken.

I had assumed that years ago.

> If Wang et al can
> find meaningless-looking collisions today, it seems all too likely that
> someone else may be able to find meaningful-looking collisions tomorrow.
> Hoping that the latter will be hard even though the former is known to
> be easy seems too optimistic for my tastes.

Indeed. Not the point I am making. In a nutshell, yes, it is scary that 
Wang found collisions. No, it is not _more_ scary that you can use those 
collisions to fool people who aren't looking anyway.



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