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From Miss Anita Brown

Mon Jan 4 12:15:27 2010

Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2010 17:15:21 +0000 (GMT)
From: ANITA BE <anita_b1985@btinternet.com>
To: undisclosed recipients: ;

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Dearest one,
I am Anita Brown the only surviving daughter of=0Alate Dr. Timothy Brown.=
=A0 I am in possesion of some documents covering=0Athe deposit of=A0 US$4.3=
 Million (Four million, three hundred thousand US=0Adollars) which my late =
father deposited in one bank in Abidjan Cote=0Ad'Ivoire. I have verified th=
e transaction with the bank here and it's=0Aauthencity is clear. This fund =
is of no criminal origin as it was=0Arealised from sales of the alluival go=
ld dust.
I am soliciting=0Afor your kind assistance in retrieving and claiming this =
fund from the=0Abank here as my father's business associate and have it=A0 =
transferred to=0Ayour account in your country for investment. You will also=
 serve as the=0Aguardian to this fund as i'm not at all knowledgeable in th=
e=0Ainternational business world. I will give you further details as soon=
=0Aas I hear from you and we will discuss terms and percentage=0Asubsequent=
ly but you must treat highly confidential.
I await your soonest response and best of regards.
Please in your reply endeavour to include the following informations for me=
1) YOUR FULL NAMES...........
5) AGE:...............
6) SEX.................

Once i receive your personal informations above,i will give you the contact=
 of the bank so that you contact them in my behalf.

I await for your response
Best wishes
Miss Anita Brown.

Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<table cellspacing=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" border=3D"0" ><tr><td valign=3D"=
top" style=3D"font: inherit;">Dearest one,<br>&nbsp;<br>I am Anita Brown th=
e only surviving daughter of=0Alate Dr. Timothy Brown.&nbsp; I am in posses=
ion of some documents covering=0Athe deposit of&nbsp; US$4.3 Million (Four =
million, three hundred thousand US=0Adollars) which my late father deposite=
d in one bank in Abidjan Cote=0Ad'Ivoire. I have verified the transaction w=
ith the bank here and it's=0Aauthencity is clear. This fund is of no crimin=
al origin as it was=0Arealised from sales of the alluival gold dust.<br>&nb=
sp;<br>I am soliciting=0Afor your kind assistance in retrieving and claimin=
g this fund from the=0Abank here as my father's business associate and have=
 it&nbsp; transferred to=0Ayour account in your country for investment. You=
 will also serve as the=0Aguardian to this fund as i'm not at all knowledge=
able in the=0Ainternational business world. I will give you further details=
 as soon=0Aas I hear from you and we will discuss terms and percentage=0Asu=
bsequently but you must treat highly confidential.<br>I await your soonest =
response and best of regards.<br>&nbsp;<br>Please in your reply endeavour t=
o include the following informations for me:<br>&nbsp;<br>1) YOUR FULL NAME=
......<br>4) NATIONALITY:.....<br>5) AGE:...............<br>6) SEX.........=
........<br>7) OCCUPATION:.....<br>8) MARITAL STATUS.....<br><br>Once i rec=
eive your personal informations above,i will give you the contact of the ba=
nk so that you contact them in my behalf.<br><br>I await for your response<=
br>Best wishes<br>Miss Anita Brown.<br><br></td></tr></table>

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