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@stake Uproots Geer's Career After Anti-Microsoft Report

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (R. A. Hettinga)
Sat Sep 27 18:22:03 2003

X-Original-To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
X-Original-To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 16:03:33 -0400
To: Clippable <rahettinga@earthlink.net>
From: "R. A. Hettinga" <rah@shipwright.com>
Cc: cryptography@metzdowd.com


September 27, 2003

@stake Uproots Geer's Career After Anti-Microsoft Report
By Robyn Weisman
E-Commerce Times
September 26, 2003
"Nothing Geer said was particularly radical," Will Rodger, director of
public policy at the CCIA, told the E-Commerce Times, noting that it "has
been the consensus for some time that the main threat [to IT
infrastructures] is monoculture."

The chief technology officer of @stake, an IT security company with close
ties to Microsoft, was reportedly sacked by his company just after he
released a report critical of the Redmond, Washington-based software vendor.

Daniel Geer, also one of the founders of the company, is principal author
of the paper "Cyberinsecurity: The Cost of Monopoly," which was first made
public at the Computers & Communications Industry Association's 30th annual
Washington Caucus on Wednesday.
The report asserted that Microsoft's monopoly of most of the world's
computer operating systems creates a monoculture that leaves IT
infrastructures critically vulnerable to attack. Therefore, it warned,
antitrust is a security issue as well as an economic one.

"Microsoft's attempts to tightly integrate myriad applications with its
operating system have significantly contributed to excessive complexity and
vulnerability," Geer said. "The deterioration of security compounds when
nearly all computers rely on a single operating system subject to the same
vulnerabilities the world over."
He added, "Ironically, Microsoft's efforts to deny interoperability of
Windows with legitimate non-Microsoft applications have created an
environment in which Microsoft programs interoperate efficiently only with
Internet viruses."

Nothing Much from @stake

On Thursday, the day after the paper's release, @stake issued a brief
statement noting that, as of last Tuesday, Geer no longer is associated
with the company.

"Although Dr. Geer announced that his CCIA-sponsored report was an
independent research study, participation in and release of the report was
not sanctioned by @stake, [and] the values and opinions of the report are
not in line with @stake's views," the company said. "Any use of his title
or current affiliation with @stake should be corrected."
Will Rodger, director of public policy at the CCIA, told the E-Commerce
Times that although he does not know what happened beyond what news
publishers have reported, @stake's action "bears all the hallmarks of
revenge and makes us all wonder."

Shooting the Messenger?
As Rodger put it: "Here is the founder of one of the most prominent
security companies in the field, [who] is one of the most prominent
security specialists in the field, issuing a report that has been the
consensus for some time that the main threat [to IT infrastructures] is

"Nothing Geer said was particularly radical," Rodger added. "But what is
news is that for the first time a group of really renowned researchers have
gotten together to write a paper about dangers of monoculture [that tells]
policy makers that they have got to do something about it."

Crock of Garbage

Jim Hurley, vice president of security and privacy at Aberdeen Group , told
the E-Commerce Times that the theory behind Geer's paper puts forth a
biological model that says a monoculture is more susceptible to infectious
disease and mutations that can threaten the species as a whole.
However, Hurley said he does not accept this analogy.

"This model is a crock of garbage for the simpletons in the world who don't
want to deal with underlying technological problems...." he said. "It will
only serve to cause further confusion."

Watch the Access Policies

Instead, Hurley said, discretionary access control policies -- which
determine how security policy and security itself is implemented in
everything from operating systems to routers and switches -- are at the
root of the design flaws that make systems vulnerable to attack. According
to him, the fundamental security design in all of these products led to
problems in maintaining security.
However, Hurley did note that although he knows only what is contained in
published reports of Geer's firing, one can infer that @stake is telling
people it can be bought -- which does not cast the company in a good light.

"Based on reports to date without substantive comments from @stake about
Geer leaving, it doesn't sound right," Hurley said.

R. A. Hettinga <mailto: rah@ibuc.com>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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