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Announcing httpsy://, a YURL scheme

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Tyler Close)
Sat Jul 12 19:19:46 2003

X-Original-To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
X-Original-To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2003 14:00:32 -0400
To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
From: Tyler Close <tyler@waterken.com>

Now available on the Waterken Inc. site is a specification and
implementation for a new HTTP extension, HTTPSY.

HTTPSY provides decentralized, peer-to-peer authentication for the
WWW. For those familiar with E <http://www.erights.org/>, HTTPSY
is feature equivalent to E's VatTP + VLS. HTTPSY is primarily
aimed at being a secure substrate for web services, but can also
be used for secure web surfing.

Both httpsy:// and E's cap:// are implementations of what I have
named YURLs. You can read about the concepts behind YURLs at:


The httpsy:// specification is at:


There is a java.net.URL implementation of httpsy:// at:


The Waterken Inc. site is running the Waterken Server, which
implements the server side of httpsy://. Sue Butler has built a
simple WWW browser which you can use to surf the Waterken Inc.
site over httpsy://. The browser is at:


The default bookmarks file for the browser provides an httpsy://
link to the Waterken Inc. site.

The Waterken Browser implements a Pet Name system for trust
relationship management. See:


I believe httpsy:// + a Pet Name system solves many of the
problems with https:// that have recently been highlighted on this
mailing list.


The union of REST and capability-based security:

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