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daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Jill.Ramonsky@Aculab.com)
Thu Jul 10 08:08:42 2003

X-Original-To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
X-Original-To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
From: Jill.Ramonsky@Aculab.com
To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 12:04:33 +0100

I've been following the SSL thread with great interest, but the truth is I
don't know enough about SSL to add anything meaningful to the discussion.
But this much remains true: I'm a competent programmer, and I know enough
about crypto to put together some basic algorithms (like the early PGPs I
guess). However, the complexity of the OpenSSL library has me stumped.
(Plus, it's Unix-centric. I'd like to turn it into a Visual Studio port so I
could compile without needing cygwin, gcc, etc., but that's another story).
I'm not going to complain. That's been done to death here. Instead, I have a
different question: Where can I learn about SSL?
As in, could someone reccommend a good book, or online tutorial, or
something, somewhere, that explains it all from pretty much first
principles, and leaves you knowing enough at the end to be able to make
sensible use of OpenSSL and similar? I don't want a "For Dummies" type book
- as I said, I'm reasonably competent - but I would really like access to a
helpful tutorial. I want to learn. So what's the best thing to go for?

[Moderator's Note: Eric Rescorla (aka "Ekr") wrote an entire book on
the topic which is pretty much definitive on the general topic of
SSL/TLS. As for OpenSSL itself, as a package that changes from release
to release, only its own documentation is 100% definitive. --Perry]
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