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Re: LibTomNet [v0.01]

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Eric Rescorla)
Tue Jul 8 15:53:28 2003

X-Original-To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
X-Original-To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
To: tom st denis <tomstdenis@yahoo.com>
Cc: iang@systemics.com, cryptography@metzdowd.com
Reply-To: EKR <ekr@rtfm.com>
From: Eric Rescorla <ekr@rtfm.com>
Date: 08 Jul 2003 12:19:54 -0700
In-Reply-To: <20030708191012.36611.qmail@web41111.mail.yahoo.com>

tom st denis <tomstdenis@yahoo.com> writes:

> --- Eric Rescorla <ekr@rtfm.com> wrote:
> > tom st denis <tomstdenis@yahoo.com> writes:
> > > The point I'm trying to make is that just because a fairly standard
> > > product exists doesn't mean diversity is a bad thing.  Yes, people
> > may
> > > fail to create divergent products but that isn't a bad thing.  You
> > > learn from the faults and create a better product.  I mean by your
> > > logic we would all drive Model T cars since well... diversity is
> > bad. 
> > > The model T exists!
> > My logic is that if you're going to create something new, it should
> > be better than what already exists. There is precious little
> > evidence that libtomnet fills that bill.
> To you.  You know SSL inside and out.
> LibTomNet has eight functions and one data type in the API.  To a
> complete stranger that is a nice welcome change than say all the
> constants, functions, structures in SSL.
As I said before, the problem here isn't SSL. Rather, it's the way
that OpenSSL does things.  Now, it would be a real contribution for
you to write a simple wrapper for OpenSSL. I've seen people do stuff
like that, but it's generally too custom for general use.


[Eric Rescorla                                   ekr@rtfm.com]

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