[13762] in cryptography@c2.net mail archive
Re: LibTomNet [v0.01]
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Eric Rescorla)
Tue Jul 8 12:46:36 2003
X-Original-To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
X-Original-To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
To: tom st denis <tomstdenis@yahoo.com>
Cc: cryptography@metzdowd.com
Reply-To: EKR <ekr@rtfm.com>
From: Eric Rescorla <ekr@rtfm.com>
Date: 07 Jul 2003 17:36:28 -0700
In-Reply-To: <20030707235439.22966.qmail@web41103.mail.yahoo.com>
tom st denis <tomstdenis@yahoo.com> writes:
> --- Eric Rescorla <ekr@rtfm.com> wrote:
> > In other words, this is just an exercise in Not Invented Here.
> > Wonderful.
> Oh, ok so I need your permission?
No, you don't need my permission. You can do any fool thing you
want. It would just be nice if you were spending effort filling some
actual need, rather than reinventing the wheel.
> Who gave Netscape permission to
> write SSL? [or whoever invented it]
Netscape. However, the situation was different then. There
was actually a market niche that SSL didn't fill. It has yet
to be established that LibTomCrypt is in that position.
> Generally I agree that homebrew crypto is a bad idea but I think you
> are undervaluing my knowledge in the field. I'm not some two-bit IT
> specialist trying to make a quick buck.
You don't seem to understand the issue. It has nothing to do with
how competent you are and everything to do with the fact that
people make mistakes and so homebrew stuff is bad when you can
avoid it. Everyone I know who has worked in this field has made
a bunch of mistakes and depends on others to catch them.
> My library *really* only has eight functions, it *really* is only 13KB
> [excluding the crypto], it *really* provides secure sockets.
And I claim that SSL implementations can be gotten down to very nearly
that size, especially if you're willing to compromise a lot of the
features, so what virtue is your library providing?
> Just because it isn't SSL doesn't mean its incapable of being secure.
No, it just means that it's never going to get the kind of security
analysis that SSL has, which means that there are probably a bunch
of undiscovered holes.
> > Moreover, your original message said that you intended to use
> > SSL, but as you yourself admit, you don't understand it and yet
> > you feel comfortable holding forth about it's merits compared
> > to your brand new protocol. Huh?
> Yeah, because I'm not going to sit and study 67 pages for more than a
> day to figure out how to send a key or perform key exchange.
It turns out that doing a principled job is a lot more complicated
than doing key exchange. That's one of the things that one discovers
when actually writing a full protocol rather than just whipping something
> To sum up, I do agree that homebrew stuff is generally of lower quality
> than peer-reviewed standards but I think you're too easily dismissing
> all other works because they're not your own. To that end I call you
> an elitist pig.
Seeing as I didn't write SSL, I'm just the document editor, that
just makes you look silly.
> Heck, if you could find a security flaw in LibTomNet [v0.03] I'll buy
> you a beer.
Your protocol does not use appear to have any protection against
active attacks on message sequence, including message deletion,
replay, etc. True, the attacker can't inject *predictable* plaintext,
but he can inject garbage plaintext and have it accepted as real.
Your protocol is susceptible to truncation attack via TCP FIN forging.
Your server doesn't generate any random values as part of the handshake,
thus, leaving you open to full-session replay attack.
[Eric Rescorla ekr@rtfm.com]
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