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[Publicity-list] DIMACS Tutorial on Computer Security

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Linda Casals)
Mon Jun 30 14:20:10 2003

X-Original-To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
X-Original-To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 12:25:30 -0400 (EDT)
From: Linda Casals <lindac@dimacs.rutgers.edu>
To: publicity-list@dimacs.rutgers.edu,
	sy-nextgen-global@dimacs.rutgers.edu, cryptography@metzdowd.com

DIMACS Tutorial on Computer Security

August 4 - 7, 2003 
DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University


    Rebecca Wright
      Stevens Institute of Technology

Presented under the auspices of the Special Focus on Communication
Security and Information Privacy.  


This tutorial is a crash course on cryptography and its applications
to secure networking and electronic commerce. It is designed to
provide background knowledge to researchers and graduate students who
wish to participate in the Special Focus on Communication Security and
Information Privacy, or just to get an introduction to some of the
fundamental issues in this field. The tutorial will consist of
lectures and hands-on activities. Topics included are not intended to
cover all aspects of the special focus, but will concentrate instead
on several main themes. These include:

 cryptographic primitives and protocols: symmetric key cryptography, 
public key cryptography, authentication, and key exchange protocols

 key management and access control: public key infrastructures and 
trust management

 network security: snooping, spoofing, distributed denial of service 
attacks, SSL, SSH, IPsec.

 electronic commerce: electronic payments protocols, auctions

In each area, we will introduce the most important and relevant
topics. Lectures will include basic mathematics, tools, and
techniques, information about the current state of the art, 
and suggestions for further reading for more advanced topics. 
Workshop Program:
Primary Lecturer: Amir Herzberg, Bar-Ilan University

Additional Lecturers: Markus Jakobsson, RSA Laboratories
Angelos Keromytis, Columbia University
Hugo Krawczyk, Technion 
Rebecca Wright, Stevens Institute of Technology

This is a preliminary program.

Monday, August 4, 2003

 9:00 - 10:30  Introduction, Principles of Security and Modern
               Cryptography, Symmetric Encryption
               Amir Herzberg, Bar-Ilan University

10:30 - 11:00  Break

11:00 - 12:30  Symmetric Encryption continued, hashing
               Amir Herzberg, Bar-Ilan University

12:30 -  2:00  Lunch

 2:00 -  3:00  Problem session

 3:00 -  3:30  Break

 3:30 -  5:00  Message authentication codes (MAC)
               Hugo Krawczyk, Technion 

Tuesday, August 5, 2003

 9:00 - 10:30  Public Key Cryptography
               Rebecca Wright, Stevens Institute of Technology

10:30 - 11:00  Break

11:00 - 12:30  Public Key Cryptography, continued
               Rebecca Wright, Stevens Institute of Technology

12:30 -  2:00  Lunch

 2:00 -  3:00  Problem session

 3:00 -  3:30  Break

 3:30 -  5:30  Public Key Infrastructures (PKI), Access Control, Trust
               Amir Herzberg, Bar-Ilan University
Wednesday, August 6, 2003

 9:00 - 10:30  Resilience to Key Exposure: Revocation, Forward Security, 
               Secret Sharing, Threshold and Proactive Security.
               Amir Herzberg, Bar-Ilan University

10:30 - 11:00  Break

11:00 - 12:30  Resilience to Key Exposure, continued  
               Amir Herzberg, Bar-Ilan University

12:30 -  2:00  Lunch

 2:00 -  3:00  Problem session

 3:00 -  3:30  Break

 3:30 -  5:30  Distributed Denial of Service Attacks, Software Security  
               Angelos Keromytis, Columbia University

Thursday, August 7, 2003

 9:00 - 10:30  Internet Security
               Amir Herzberg, Bar-Ilan University

10:30 - 11:00  Break

11:00 - 12:30  Internet Crypto Tools
               Amir Herzberg, Bar-Ilan University

12:30 -  2:00  Lunch

 2:00 -  3:00  Problem session

 3:00 -  3:30  Break

 3:30 -  5:30  Electronic Commerce: Payment Protocols, Auctions, Fair
               Markus Jakobsson, RSA Laboratories

DIMACS Tutorial Registration Fees
Regular rate  $250
Postdocs      $125
Graduate & Undergraduate students  $125
DIMACS Members and partner institution employees*  $125
DIMACS long-term visitors**    $125

* DIMACS partner institutions are: Rutgers University, Princeton
University, AT&T Labs - Research, Bell Labs, NEC Laboratories America
and Telcordia Technologies. Affiliate members Avaya Labs, IBM Research
and Microsoft Research. 

**DIMACS long-term visitors who are in residence at DIMACS for two or
more weeks inclusive of dates of the tutorial. 

A $50 registration fee deposit, refundable up to 2 weeks before the
start of the tutorial, will hold your place.  

    Please make check payable to: 

        Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 

    Send to: 
        Tutorial on Computer Security 
        Attn: Program Coordinator 
        DIMACS Center - Rutgers University 
        96 Frelinghuysen Road 
        CoRE Building, 4th Floor 
        Piscataway, NJ 08854-8018 

Your registration will be confirmed upon receipt of your
check. Seating will be limited. Registration is first come, first

The balance of the registration fee will be collected on site using
cash, check, Visa or Mastercard. Registration fees cover two meals a
day, breaks, and all workshop materials.


Application for Financial Support 

Limited financial support is expected to be available. How much we
offer will depend on funds we raise for this purpose and on the number
of applications received and might have to be limited to waiver of
registration fees for some of the participants. 

Please consult web pages for application procedures.


Information on participation, registration, accommodations, and travel
can be found at:



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