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Re: pubkeys for p and g

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (martin f krafft)
Thu Jun 26 21:25:36 2003

X-Original-To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
X-Original-To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 00:29:47 +0200
From: martin f krafft <madduck@madduck.net>
To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
Mail-Followup-To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
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> I'm not certain I understand your questions, but here are some
> answers (I think).

To clear this up:

I am well aware how DH works, and what the mathematical properties
of p and g are and have to be.

My point was that some commercial vendors (Check Point and others)
claim, that if two partners want to perform a DH key exchange, they
may use their two public keys for g and p. This, in effect, would
mean that g and p were not globally known, but that the public keys
are used in their place.

I am well aware that p and g are globally known as defined in the
chosen DH Group. However, I am wondering how Check Point (and
others) can claim that public keys may well be used in place,
thereby invalidating the need for a globally constant p and g pair.
These public keys are independent of the public keys exchanged as
part of DH, which are simply calculated by the g^x mod p formula of
DH, from the private keys.

Thus every communication party would have a key pair, aA and bB,
where the capital letter is the public key. Then, the following

  let g =3D A and p =3D B
  let A' =3D g^a mod p and B' =3D g^b mod p
         =3D A^a mod B        =3D A^b mod B

and off you go, doing DH with g =3D A, p =3D B, and the keypairs aA' and
bB' on either side.

This would, in my opinion, only be possible if:

  - there would be a rule to decide which public key is p and which
    is g.
  - all public keys (RSA in this case) are primes.
  - all public keys are good generators mod p.

We are writing a book and simply want to have some backup. I am
almost sure that Check Point is bullshitting (wouldn't be the first
time), so unless anyone has actually heard of this possibility, I am
going to write this down and influence a thousand people, basically
claiming that Check Point is wrong.

Does it make sense now?

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:" net@madduck
invalid PGP subkeys? use subkeys.pgp.net as keyserver!
experience is what causes a person
to make new mistakes
instead of old ones.

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