[13667] in cryptography@c2.net mail archive
PODC early registration and hotel deadlines (June 18/19)
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Amir Herzberg)
Wed Jun 18 08:17:05 2003
X-Original-To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
X-Original-To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 11:37:17 +0200
To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
From: Amir Herzberg <amir@herzberg.name>
>Dear Colleagues,
>One final reminder about the PODC early registration deadline, which
>is TOMORROW, June 18. There is a link to the online registration on
>the PODC 2003 webpage at:
> http://www.podc.org/podc2003/
>Also, the deadline to get the low conference rate at the hotel has been
>extended to THIS THURSDAY, June 19th, so book your room asap!
>We are trying to broaden PODC, so please forward this reminder to
>anyone who might be interested in attending PODC 2003, including
>people who may not regularly attend PODC, but may be attracted to come
>this year because of the special security track or because they are
>local (in the Boston area).
>We only have email addresses for the contact authors of each paper,
>so please forward this reminder to your co-authors!
>I apologize for the extra email to those who have already registered,
>and for any duplicates that you may receive.
>I look forward to seeing many of you at PODC in July!
> Victor Luchangco
> PODC 2003 Publicity Chair
Amir Herzberg
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