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Re: An attack on paypal

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Anne & Lynn Wheeler)
Wed Jun 11 23:06:20 2003

X-Original-To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
X-Original-To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 19:37:32 -0600
To: "Steven M. Bellovin" <smb@research.att.com>
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <lynn@garlic.com>
Cc: cryptography@metzdowd.com
In-Reply-To: <20030612000715.C227C7B4D@berkshire.research.att.com>

At 08:07 PM 6/11/2003 -0400, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
>Let me point folk at http://www.securityfocus.com/news/5654
>for a related issue.  To put it very briefly, *real* authentication is

"real" authentication is actually that hard; it is "identification" that 
tends to really get sticky. one of the reasons for simplified security 
taxonomy like PAIN or PAIIN ... aka

3-factor authentication is

something you have (like a token)
something you know (like password)
something you are (like biometrics)

In the past, I've posted regarding proposals for implementing 
authentication techniques in association with various internet operation 
registries .... in part because they are currently relying primarily on 
identification which is easily spoofed.

the previous posts highlight the domain name take-over exploits .... using 
the same techniques used in the referenced article for ip-address take-over.

the issue for SSL domain name certificates .... and people concerned about 
the integrity of the domain name infrastructure .... is that the 
certification authorities aren't the authoritative reference for the 
information that they are certifying .... it is the domain name 
infrastructure (and similarly the ip-address registry). The domain name 
take-overs have been very similar to the described techniques in the 
article for ip-address take-over. Somewhat the CA industry proposal is for 
the registries to implement public key registration at the same time the 
domain name (or ip-address) is registered.  The public key is registered in 
the registry account record .... and all future interaction is done via 
authenticated signed transactions (authenticated using the public key in 
the registry account record).

The claim regarding the operation of the internet operational registries is 
that they are effectively non-authenticated .... in much the same way that 
current credit card transactions are not authenticated. The x9.59 standard 
is for all electronic retail payments and are authenticated using a public 
key registered in the account record. This is effectively the some proposal 
(somewhat instigated by the certification authority industry) for 
transitioning the internet registries from non-authenticated transactions 
to authenticated transactions (by using digitally signed messages that are 
authenticated with public key registered in the corresponding registry 
account record).

as in previous observations .... having a domain name owner register their 
public key in the internet registry (domain name infrastructure or 
ip-address registery) starts to lesson the requirement for having SSL 
domain certificates.

random past posts regarding irony/catch22 for the CAs and SSL domain name 
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/aadsm13.htm#26 How effective is open source crypto?
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/aadsm13.htm#32 How effective is open source 
crypto? (bad form)
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2000e.html#40 Why trust root CAs ?
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2001l.html#22 Web of Trust
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2001m.html#37 CA Certificate Built Into Browser 
Confuse Me
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2002d.html#47 SSL MITM Attacks
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2002j.html#59 SSL integrity guarantees in 
abscense of client certificates
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2002m.html#30 Root certificate definition
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2002m.html#64 SSL certificate modification
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2002m.html#65 SSL certificate modification
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2002n.html#2 SRP authentication for web app
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2002o.html#10 Are ssl certificates all equally 
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2002p.html#9 Cirtificate Authorities 'CAs', how 
curruptable are they to
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2003.html#63 SSL & Man In the Middle Attack
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2003.html#66 SSL & Man In the Middle Attack
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2003d.html#29 SSL questions
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2003d.html#40 Authentification vs Encryption in 
a system to system interface
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2003f.html#25 New RFC 3514 addresses malicious 
network traffic
Anne & Lynn Wheeler    http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/
Internet trivia 20th anv http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/rfcietff.htm

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