[13568] in cryptography@c2.net mail archive
Re: An attack on paypal
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Peter Gutmann)
Tue Jun 10 23:47:02 2003
X-Original-To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
X-Original-To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 14:44:17 +1200
From: pgut001@cs.auckland.ac.nz (Peter Gutmann)
To: cryptography@metzdowd.com, jamesd@echeque.com
"James A. Donald" <jamesd@echeque.com> writes:
>On 8 Jun 2003 at 14:47, tom st denis wrote:
>>I disagree. That attack is more akin to a "Hi, I'm calling
>>from {insert bank here} and we need your CC info to update
>>your file."
>>That doesn't mean credit cards [nor your bank] are flawed.
>Actually credit cards, and your bank, are flawed, as any porn
>site operator will tell you.
There's a wonderful story at http://www.zug.com/pranks/credit/ by someone who
tried to see how b0rken he could make his signature before anyone complained.
He tried at various times a random scribble, a crosshatched scribble, a
regular grid, an 'X', a drawing of a stick-figure person, his name in Egyptian
hieroglyphics, various famous people's names, and even "I stole this card".
No-one ever complained.
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