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ancient history ...

Sat Nov 21 17:19:59 1987

[0001] (5 lines) Morgan.SIPBOLC 03/22/84  2009.7 est Thu Professors'_Quoteboard
Subject:  Reason for this meeting
This meeting has been established to record all those wonderful things
that your professors say that have other (more amusing) connotations.
Dave Smith and I should have a blast with it, but others are welcome to
participate.  Past quotes may be recorded if known to be accurate first
hand. Suggestions for additional participants are welcome.
[0002] (3 lines) Morgan.SIPBOLC 03/22/84  2026.6 est Thu Professors'_Quoteboard
Subject:  21.351 Roman History
"Then he married Calpurnia ... the ins and outs are not clear."

                    -- Prof. H.A.T.O. Reiche  (3/22/84 10:35)
[0003] (3 lines) Morgan.SIPBOLC 03/22/84  2030.7 est Thu Professors'_Quoteboard
Subject:  18.302 Partia; Differential Equations
"We will have to consider doing an odd extension."

                    -- Prof. Debbie Sulsky  (2/22/84 ca. 10:30)
[0004] (5 lines) Morgan.SIPBOLC 03/22/84  2033.3 est Thu Professors'_Quoteboard
Subject:  8.08 Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics
"There are (N + f - 1)! / [N! (f - 1)!] ways to permute my balls."

                    -- Prof Baranger  (2/17/84 12:51)

Yes, that's an exact quote.
[0005] (7 lines) Morgan.SIPBOLC 03/22/84  2139.2 est Thu Professors'_Quoteboard
Subject:  8.04 Quantum Mechanics
"By geometry, ... [pause] ... Well, just by looking at it actually."

                    -- Prof. N. Berker  (2/14/83 11:10)

See, they don't all have to be filthy-minded.  This one I found in an
old notebook.  I will continue the archive search when I have more time
to waste.
[0006] (3 lines) Rochlis.Multics 03/22/84  2344.2 est Thu Professors'_Quoteboard
Subject:  8.02 Physics
" i = vr "

                    Bernard Feld, 1982
[0007] (3 lines) DMSmith.StudentAD 03/23/84  1938.8 est Fri Professors'_Quoteboard
Subject:  Prolixity
"The third chapter is rather abstruse and obscure in its prolixity. . ."
                          --Prof. Benedek, 8.08 Recitation, late Feb.
[0008] (15 lines) DMSmith.StudentAD 03/23/84  1946.4 est Fri Professors'_Quoteboard
Subject:  Incompetent chemistry teachers
"If the concentration of the products over the concentration of the
reactants is less than zero, the reaction prefers to go to the right."
                            --Prof. Klaus Biemann, 5.41 lecture, Feb.
'82 "Of course, less than one, not zero".
                            --same, two minutes later, when a student
                              out that two positive concentrations could
                              be divided to yield a negative number.
"Well, all right, it goes to the left."
                            --15 minutes later, after the combined
arguments of
                              the whole class convinced him he had the
                              backwards, too.
---[0008]--- (nref = [0009]) 
[0009] (1 line) DMSmith.StudentAD 04/01/84  2300.7 est Sun Professors'_Quoteboard
Subject:  Re: Incompetent chemistry teachers
Boy, does that formatting lose . . .
---[0009]--- (pref = [0008]) 
[0010] (3 lines) Lippard.Multics 04/02/84  1515.2 est Mon Professors'_Quoteboard
Subject:  ASU CSC210 Data Structures
"We want to take these components and see if we can grope them--er,
group them into sets".
         -- Ms. Vicki Walker, 4/2/84 10:57
[0011] (3 lines) DMSmith.StudentAD 04/02/84  1526.7 est Mon Professors'_Quoteboard
Subject:  8.08 Statistical and Quantum Physics
"The partition function is an animal which was invented in chapter 6.
It is not a fundamental animal, but it is a convenient animal."
                          -Prof. Barranger 4/2/84 12:10pm
---[0011]--- (nref = [0012]) 
[0012] (3 lines) DMSmith.StudentAD 04/02/84  1529.6 est Mon Professors'_Quoteboard
Subject:  Re: 8.08 Statistical and Quantum Physics
Compare the previous transaction to number 4, and notice that Daniel
doesn't know the name of the course he's taking and I can't spell the
name of the professor.
---[0012]--- (pref = [0011], nref = [0013]) 
[0013] (6 lines) Morgan.SIPBOLC 04/03/84  1713.6 est Tue Professors'_Quoteboard
Subject:  Re: 8.08 Statistical and Quantum Physics
If you look at the other transactions by me, you will also note that few
of them have the "right" name for the course.  I thought that what I was
putting was more understandable to people who aren't familiar with the
course.  For example, "Roman History" is better than "Ancient World II".

Is a bar-ranger like a forest ranger who hangs out in bars?
---[0013]--- (pref = [0012], nref = [0014]) 
[0014] (1 line) DMSmith.StudentAD 04/10/84  1720.8 est Tue Professors'_Quoteboard
Subject:  Re: 8.08 Statistical and Quantum Physics
I don't buy that excuse for one minute. Not one minute.
---[0014]--- (pref = [0013]) 
[0015] (3 lines) Morgan.SIPBOLC 04/26/84  1633.9 est Thu Professors'_Quoteboard
Subject:  8.08 Thermo and Stat. Mech.
"that silly electron ... well, it's not so smart as a tiger ..."

                    - Prof. Benedek, 12:35 p.m., 4/26/84
[0016] (5 lines) Morgan.SIPBOLC 05/02/84  1258.6 est Wed Professors'_Quoteboard
Subject:  8.08 Stat. Mech. & Thermo.
"The atoms are very repulsive."

          -- Prof. Baranger, 5/2/84 12:12

How rude!
[0017] (6 lines) Morgan.SIPBOLC 05/03/84  1523.1 est Thu Professors'_Quoteboard
Subject:  8.08 Recitation
"Tarzan knew E=3NkT even before Einstein.  Jane didn't know; he had to
tell her ... that's what marriage is all about."
                    -- Prof. Benedek, 5/3/84 12:53

(after a long discussion of how even in the jungle you need to know
about specific heats so that you can warm up your coconut milk)
---[0017]--- (nref = [0018]) 
[0018] (1 line) Morgan.SIPBOLC 05/03/84  1524.9 est Thu Professors'_Quoteboard
Subject:  Re: 8.08 Recitation
ing today.  Watch out for Dave's contribution in this forum.
---[0018]--- (pref = [0017], nref = [0019]) 
[0019] (1 line) Margolin.Multics 05/03/84  1532.1 est Thu Professors'_Quoteboard
Subject:  Re: 8.08 Recitation
Something's missing in [0018]. Like the first line.
---[0019]--- (pref = [0018], nref = [0020]) 
[0020] (5 lines) Morgan.SIPBOLC 05/03/84  1534.0 est Thu Professors'_Quoteboard
Subject:  Re: 8.08 Recitation
Yes indeed... hmmm... I am afraid I must blame the video system for
that, probably...

It should have begun:  Prof. Benedek, aka Cheshire Cat Grandad, was
being particularly weird/amus
---[0020]--- (pref = [0019], nref = [0021]) 
[0021] (4 lines) DMSmith.StudentAD 05/04/84  1248.5 est Fri Professors'_Quoteboard
Subject:  Re: 8.08 Recitation
"The partition function has to be clear to you. . . like honey has to be
clear. Or maple syrup.  It will work much better if you think of it as
maple syrup."
                     -Prof. "CCG" Benedek
---[0021]--- (pref = [0020]) 
[0022] (4 lines) Morgan.SIPBOLC 05/17/84  2304.8 est Thu Professors'_Quoteboard
Subject:  21.351 Roman History
"Christianity is like venereal disease."

                    -- Prof. H. A. T. O. Reiche
                       5/17/84  10:45 or so
---[0022]--- (nref = [0023]) 
[0023] (2 lines) Morgan.SIPBOLC 05/17/84  2306.1 est Thu Professors'_Quoteboard
Subject:  Re: 21.351 Roman History
This was in reference to the role of the new religion in the fall of the
Roman Empire.  "No headlines in The Tech!"
---[0023]--- (pref = [0022]) 
[0024] (2 lines) Lippard.Multics 11/28/84  1725.2 est Wed Professors'_Quoteboard
Subject:  ASU CSC340 Structures of Programming Languages
"It is used for general stimulation."
     -- Dr. Lorna Cheng, 11/26/84 11:26, speaking of SIMULA
[0025] (6 lines) Lippard.Multics 02/04/85  2314.3 est Mon Professors'_Quoteboard
Subject:  ASU PHY116 University Physics (E&M)
"When multiple metal atoms get together, their valence electrons run
wild, like kids in a hippie commune."
     -- substitute for Dr. Ignatious Tsong, 01/31/85 7:44

"This is a solid metal potato."
     -- ditto, 01/31/85 7:47

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