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Tapscott (who else?)

Mon Apr 26 18:43:14 1999

(on why he doesn't like the classrooms in building 2)
"The price you pay for non-grubbiness is in the philosophy of the room.
The power structure is built into the room. You have to sit in these
little rectilinear Teutonic rows."

"What do they have in that coffin-like structure in the back of the classroom?
A dead baby, blue cheese, one boot. No?  No A/V equipment either?"

"'Thou knowest not how to woo.'  That should be the subtitle to
'The love song of J. Alfred Prufrock."

"You look like the Buddha of Suburbia.  I think it's the effect of
the hiking boots and the lotus..."

"I felt compelled to have the question 'In what year did Wordsworth
publish his Lyrical Ballads of 1848' so we could have a token hard
data question on the final."

(summing up the previous class)  "I made a cruel comment about Ben,
and three talented women ganged up on Will Hayfer and won.  But those
were the predictable things."

"3-4148 is my extension.  Write a dirty limerick and read it to me."

"He went to Switzerland and took injections of baboon prostates.
Then he wrote these poems."

"You don't say to Tipper Gore, 'Tipper, don't be a ho.'"

"Titanic is just Romea and Juliet.  And an iceberg."

"But you haven't had the experience of having really, truly,
emphatically, with garlic, failed!"

"Beauty is raunchiness, and raunchiness beauty."

"Even if we think 'that man has a cork up his butt,' we don't _say_ it..."

"Who do you want a love song from?  Someone named Pablo, someone named
Sonia.  Not someone named J. Alfred.  You'd cut yourself on the starch
in his shirt."

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