[1078] in Professors_Quote_Board
Mon Mar 29 21:16:31 1999
(discussing a recent Frankenstein movie)
"He's almost handsome. He's Robert DeNiro! Except he's 6'7" and made
out of rotting flesh and he smells so bad people want to stick burning
torches in him. But he's Robert DeNiro!!"
"It's a birth scene. It's like jello wrestling."
"Phaedra feels passion too strongly, so we should all learn the
lesson from this and go home and superglue our knees together."
"What does Whitman say? 'He best learns his lesson who learns to kill
his teachers.' This is metaphorical, kids, stop eyeing your pens that way."
"The creature starts out innocent, he's like a freshman. Then he hides
under a porch and hears Dante and Paradise lost and philosophy, gets a
iberal arts education, and he's a monster! He's a sophomore!"
(also about Frankestein's monster)