[603] in linux-announce channel archive
Easy Linux with Xrdesktop and Xreasy
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Lars Wirzenius)
Wed Jun 7 15:17:06 1995
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 1995 04:38:20 -0500
From: Lars Wirzenius <wirzeniu@rose.uthscsa.edu>
To: linux-activists@niksula.hut.fi, linux-announce@vger.rutgers.edu
X-Mn-Key: announce
From: roscher@b-2.de.contrib.net
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce
Subject: Easy Linux with Xrdesktop and Xreasy
Organization: Contrib.Net TCP/IP GmbH
Keywords: X11, desktop, configuration
Approved: linux-announce@news.ornl.gov (Lars Wirzenius)
Followup-to: comp.os.linux.x
Xrdesktop is an now available with version 1.3. Take a look at this
desktop solution for complex unix commands. The linux version for
linux is free available from http//www.b-2.de.contrib.net/roscher/roscher.html
Xreasy is a standard home evironment for all unix systems. A lot of shell
realize a shell and X-Window configuration for all different unix systems.
Xreasy contain a german user and german configuration files for xedit, mwm.
twm, fvwm, ctwm and the ixi desktops on ODT and AIX. Xreasy is free
available from http//www.b-2.de.contrib.net/roscher/roscher.html
Send submissions for comp.os.linux.announce to: linux-announce@news.ornl.gov
PLEASE remember Keywords: and a short description of the software.