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This Secret Discovery Could Change Everything

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Critical Preparedness Report)
Wed Mar 12 15:43:24 2025

Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 14:43:21 -0500
From: "Critical Preparedness Report" <CriticalPreparednessReport@lottochap.za.com>
Reply-To: "Critical Preparedness Report" <BreakingNewsInsider@lottochap.za.com>
To: <linuxch-announce.discuss@charon.mit.edu>

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This Secret Discovery Could Change Everything



rican kestrels (Falco sparverius) had been shown to be successful in the U.S. whereby if first clutches were removed, the bird would usually lay a second clutch. This 'double clutching' had demonstrated that young from second clutches do not differ in size or survival rates from those of first clutches.

During the 1981/82 breeding season, Carl G. Jones and his team in Mauritius removed first clutches from wild kestrels for artificial incubation. In addition, Jones supplemented their diet to enable the laying a new egg after the first one had been removed, thereby averting any negative impact on the wild population.

Slowly the population increased, and during a census in 1984 50 individuals were estimated. Techniques for breeding, release, and "hacking" of young birds were improved, the captive breeding center becoming a pioneering research institution for tropical raptor and small falcon conservation. The captive breeding programme was scaled back in the early 1990s as a self-sustaining population was established. Since 1994, the programme serves only as a safeguard, should some catastrophe befall the wild population, and other rare endemics are now being cared for at the station (such as the pink pigeon or the Mauritius fody).

Bird awaiting reintroduction, 1989
In 2005, there were at least 800 mature birds; the remaining habitat allows for an estimated carrying capacity of circa 50–150 more (Bird

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			<div style="color:#FFFFFF;font-size:10px;width:600px;">rican kestrels (Falco sparverius) had been shown to be successful in the U.S. whereby if first clutches were removed, the bird would usually lay a second clutch. This &#39;double clutching&#39; had demonstrated that young from second clutches do not differ in size or survival rates from those of first clutches. During the 1981/82 breeding season, Carl G. Jones and his team in Mauritius removed first clutches from wild kestrels for artificial incubation. In addition, Jones supplemented their diet to enable the laying a new egg after the first one had been removed, thereby averting any negative impact on the wild population. Slowly the population increased, and during a census in 1984 50 individuals were estimated. Techniques for breeding, release, and &quot;hacking&quot; of young birds were improved, the captive breeding center becoming a pioneering research institution for tropical raptor and small falcon conservation. The captive breeding programme was scaled back in the early 1990s as a self-sustaining population was established. Since 1994, the programme serves only as a safeguard, should some catastrophe befall the wild population, and other rare endemics are now being cared for at the station (such as the pink pigeon or the Mauritius fody). Bird awaiting reintroduction, 1989 In 2005, there were at least 800 mature birds; the remaining habitat allows for an estimated carrying capacity of circa 50&ndash;150 more (Bird</div>
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