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Cambridge researchers find natural way to enhance memory

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Lee)
Sat Mar 8 11:15:35 2025

Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2025 10:15:31 -0600
From: "Lee" <Joseph@selfsufficient.za.com>
Reply-To: "Susan" <Jeffrey@selfsufficient.za.com>
To: <linuxch-announce.discuss@charon.mit.edu>

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Cambridge researchers find natural way to enhance memory 



mit of Patagonia has been proposed to be Huincul Fault, which forms a major discontinuity. The fault truncates various structures including the Pampean orogen found further north. The ages of base rocks change abruptly across the fault. Discrepancies have been mentioned among geologists on the origin of the Patagonian landmass. VĂ­ctor Ramos has proposed that the Patagonian landmass originated as an allochthonous terrane that separated from Antarctica and docked in South America 250 to 270 Mya in the Permian period. A 2014 study by R.J. Pankhurst and coworkers rejects any idea of a far-traveled Patagonia, claiming it is likely of parautochtonous (nearby) origin.

The Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits have revealed a most interesting vertebrate fauna. This, together with the discovery of the perfect cranium of a turtle (chelonian) of the genus Niolamia, which is almost identical to Ninjemys oweni of the Pleistocene age in Queensland, forms an evident proof of the connection between the Australian and South American continents. The Patagonian Niolamia belongs to the Sarmienti Formation. Fossils of the mid-Cretaceous Argentinosaurus, which may be the largest of all dinosaurs, have been found in Patagonia, and a model of the mid-Jurassic Piatnitzkysaurus graces the concou

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			<div style="font-size:18px;font-family:'Roboto','Roboto','Oxygen','Ubuntu','Cantarell','Fira Sans','Droid Sans','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif;width:600px;padding:10px;">Imagine effortlessly recalling names, dates, and details, just like you did in your youth.<br />
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			New research has shown that a <a href="http://selfsufficient.za.com/fzeESPXIMkrQdGfdUznZijnhr4bTrtwD0Hc7H0yfT7AERKZLeg" target="blank"><b>rare Indian herb can boost your memory and mental clarity</b></a>...<br />
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			<strong>...Essentially rewinding the clock on your brain.</strong><br />
				<li>Researchers from Cambridge University have discovered this herb boosts attention accuracy by 35%, supporting your memory and mental sharpness.</li>
				<li>Scientists from the Central Drug Research Institute discovered this all-natural herb can boost your logical memory by an impressive 104%.</li>
				<li>Neuroscientists at the School of Biophysical Science and Electrical Engineering found this herb is 92% more effective than a placebo at helping you learn and retain new information.</li>
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			<a href="http://selfsufficient.za.com/fzeESPXIMkrQdGfdUznZijnhr4bTrtwD0Hc7H0yfT7AERKZLeg" target="blank"><b>&gt;&gt;&gt; Discover how this natural brain-boosting secret can sharpen your memory and improve your cognitive function.</b></a><br />
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			<b>P.S.</b> Say goodbye to those frustrating &quot;senior moments&quot; and hello to a sharper, more reliable memory.<br />
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			<a href="http://selfsufficient.za.com/fzeESPXIMkrQdGfdUznZijnhr4bTrtwD0Hc7H0yfT7AERKZLeg" target="blank"><b>&gt;&gt;&gt; Click here to read the full report on this rare all-natural brain-booster.</b></a><br />
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			<div style="color:#FFFFFF;font-size:10px;">mit of Patagonia has been proposed to be Huincul Fault, which forms a major discontinuity. The fault truncates various structures including the Pampean orogen found further north. The ages of base rocks change abruptly across the fault. Discrepancies have been mentioned among geologists on the origin of the Patagonian landmass. V&iacute;ctor Ramos has proposed that the Patagonian landmass originated as an allochthonous terrane that separated from Antarctica and docked in South America 250 to 270 Mya in the Permian period. A 2014 study by R.J. Pankhurst and coworkers rejects any idea of a far-traveled Patagonia, claiming it is likely of parautochtonous (nearby) origin. The Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits have revealed a most interesting vertebrate fauna. This, together with the discovery of the perfect cranium of a turtle (chelonian) of the genus Niolamia, which is almost identical to Ninjemys oweni of the Pleistocene age in Queensland, forms an evident proof of the connection between the Australian and South American continents. The Patagonian Niolamia belongs to the Sarmienti Formation. Fossils of the mid-Cretaceous Argentinosaurus, which may be the largest of all dinosaurs, have been found in Patagonia, and a model of the mid-Jurassic Piatnitzkysaurus graces the concou</div>
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			<a href="http://selfsufficient.za.com/Xe7bQU4byhlaem5GaXTV8dsguJfpUujevjK6ObV-kpCK0zvvAA" target="blank"><img src="http://selfsufficient.za.com/2a31439f41b46af2ef.jpg" /></a><br />
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