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Is This the Ultimate Prepper Tree?

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Joseph)
Sat Mar 8 09:49:32 2025

Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2025 15:49:29 +0100
From: "Joseph" <Susan@nervefsh.best>
Reply-To: "Ashley" <James@nervefsh.best>
To: <linuxch-announce.discuss@charon.mit.edu>

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Is This the Ultimate Prepper Tree?



pidae was introduced (as the subfamily Thraupinae) in 1847 by German ornithologist Jean Cabanis. The type genus is Thraupis.

The family Thraupidae is a member of an assemblage of over 800 birds known as the New World, nine-primaried oscines. The traditional pre-molecular classification was largely based on the different feeding specializations. Nectar-feeders were placed in Coerebidae (honeycreepers), large-billed seed-eaters in Cardinalidae (cardinals and grosbeaks), smaller-billed seed-eaters in Emberizidae (New World finches and sparrows), ground-foraging insect-eaters in Icteridae (blackbirds) and fruit-eaters in Thraupidae. This classification was known to be problematic as analyses using other morphological characteristics often produced conflicting phylogenies. Beginning in the last decade of the 20th century, a series of molecular phylogenetic studies led to a complete reorganization of the traditional families. Thraupidae now includes large-billed seed eaters, thin-billed nectar feeders, and foliage gleaners as well as fruit-eaters.

One consequence of redefining the family boundaries is that for many species their common names are no longer congruent with the families in which they are placed. As of July 2020 there are 39 species with "tanager" in the common name that are not placed in Thraupidae. These include the widely distributed scarlet tanager and western tanager, which are both now placed in Cardinalidae. There are also 106 species within Thraupidae that have "finch" in their common name.

A molecular phylogenetic study published in 2014 revealed that many of the traditional genera were not monophyletic. In the resulting reorganization six new genera were introdu

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			<div style="color:#FFFFFF;font-size:10px;">uction by Margaret Webster with Jussi Bj&ouml;rling in the title role, Delia Rigal as Elizabeth, Robert Merrill as Rodrigo, Fedora Barbieri as Eboli, Cesare Siepi as Philip II and Jerome Hines as the Gra</div>

			<div style="color:#FFFFFF;font-size:10px;">nd Inquisitor. This version was performed there until 1972. The four-act version in Italian continued to be championed by conductors such as Herbert von Karajan (1978 audio rec</div>

			<div style="color:#FFFFFF;font-size:10px;">ording and 1986 video recording) and Riccardo Muti (1992 video recording). Also influential was a 1958 staging of the 1886 five-act &quot;Modena version&quot; in Italian by The Royal Opera company, Covent Garden, directed by Luchino Visconti and conducted by Carlo Maria Giulini. The cast included Jon Vickers as Don Carlo, Tito Gobbi as Rodrigo, Bori</div>
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			<div style="color:#FFFFFF;font-size:10px;">pidae was introduced (as the subfamily Thraupinae) in 1847 by German ornithologist Jean Cabanis. The type genus is Thraupis. The family Thraupidae is a member of an assemblage of over 800 birds known as the New World, nine-primaried oscines. The traditional pre-molecular classification was largely based on the different feeding specializations. Nectar-feeders were placed in Coerebidae (honeycreepers), large-billed seed-eaters in Cardinalidae (cardinals and grosbeaks), smaller-billed seed-eaters in Emberizidae (New World finches and sparrows), ground-foraging insect-eaters in Icteridae (blackbirds) and fruit-eaters in Thraupidae. This classification was known to be problematic as analyses using other morphological characteristics often produced conflicting phylogenies. Beginning in the last decade of the 20th century, a series of molecular phylogenetic studies led to a complete reorganization of the traditional families. Thraupidae now includes large-billed seed eaters, thin-billed nectar feeders, and foliage gleaners as well as fruit-eaters. One consequence of redefining the family boundaries is that for many species their common names are no longer congruent with the families in which they are placed. As of July 2020 there are 39 species with &quot;tanager&quot; in the common name that are not placed in Thraupidae. These include the widely distributed scarlet tanager and western tanager, which are both now placed in Cardinalidae. There are also 106 species within Thraupidae that have &quot;finch&quot; in their common name. A molecular phylogenetic study published in 2014 revealed that many of the traditional genera were not monophyletic. In the resulting reorganization six new genera were introdu</div>


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