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Affordable and Reliable Hearing Aids

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Oricle Hearing Aid)
Sat Feb 15 14:09:23 2025

Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2025 20:09:16 +0100
From: "Oricle Hearing Aid" <OricleHearingAids@lipozem.ru.com>
Reply-To: "OricleHearingAids" <HearingAidDevice@lipozem.ru.com>
To: <linuxch-announce.discuss@charon.mit.edu>

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Affordable and Reliable Hearing Aids



eir small size. The small size is associated with greater agility, faster development, and lower nutritional needs. Tettigoniids are tree-living insects that are most commonly heard at night during summer and early fall. Tettigoniids may be distinguished from the grasshopper by the length of their filamentous antennae, which may exceed their own body length, while grasshoppers' antennae are always relatively short and thickened.

Katydid camouflaged on a bamboo leaf
Life cycle

Katydid eggs attached in rows to a plant stem
Duration: 1 minute and 39 seconds.1:39
Katydid nymph
Eggs are typically oval and may be attached in rows to plants. Where the eggs are deposited relates to the way the ovipositor is formed. It consists of up to three pairs of appendages formed to transmit the egg, to make a place for it, and place it properly. Tettigoniids have either sickle-shaped ovipositors which typically lay eggs in dead or living plant matter, or uniform long ovipositors which lay eggs in grass stems. When tettigoniids hatch, the nymphs often look like small, wingless versions of the adults, but in some species, the nymphs look nothing at all like the adult and rather mimic other species such as ants, spiders and assassin bugs, or flowers, to prevent predation. The nymphs remain in a mimic state only until they are large enough to escape pr

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<div style="font-size:16px;color: #333;;width:600px;padding:10px;background-color:#FFFFFF;text-align:left;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;">
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<hr /><span style="font-size: 34px;"><a href="http://lipozem.ru.com/oX2fgI10uywyRTd8EIefi7duCYpYy1ED4rFGOiQzCAc1NZcioA" http:="" microsoft.com="" style="font-weight:bold;" target="_blank">How to Stop Hearing Loss In Its Tracks man with troubled hearing</a></span><br />
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Sat, 15 Feb 2025 20:09:16 +0100 By Linda Barker<br />
<br />
After 39 very long years of marriage, I still cherish my husband... BUT obviously there&#39;s a few things that get on my nerves.<br />
<br />
Not least of which is how frickin loud he plays the TV!<br />
<br />
I&#39;ve always thought that about him, even when his <a href="http://lipozem.ru.com/oX2fgI10uywyRTd8EIefi7duCYpYy1ED4rFGOiQzCAc1NZcioA" http:="" microsoft.com="" style="font-weight:bold;" target="_blank">hearing actually worked!</a><br />
<br />
But now as he&#39;s getting older and his hearing is getting worse, the TV went from annoyingly loud to what feels like the sound of a giant plane engine!<br />
<br />
He&#39;s a loud talker. A loud singer in the shower. A loud TV watcher.<br />
<br />
It&#39;s understandable to an extent, but it was starting to affect my conversations with him. How are you supposed to have a relationship with somebody, when you&#39;re yelling at them all the time?<br />
<br />
I pointed out to him that he suffered from hearing loss.<br />
<br />
And all he did was shrug, &quot;I&#39;m not old yet,&quot; he said.<br />
<br />
He was too proud and stubborn to even consider any kind of hearing device solution.<br />
<br />
But I simply couldn&#39;t stand it anymore.<br />
<br />
Soon after that pointless conversation, I noticed that his hearing loss seemed to be correlating with cognitive decline: he seemed to be absent-minded, for example, he was getting the names of our kids and grandkids mixed up.<br />
<br />
I started to seriously worry he was suffering from early-onset cognitive decline and I knew I needed to find a solution and not a moment too soon.<br />
<br />
It took a doctor explaining to me that when those of us who need hearing aids don&#39;t wear them, it&#39;s not our ears we are hurting, it&#39;s our brains: our ears may be getting weaker, but if we let them just remain unused, the part of our brains that process sound get weaker, atrophy, and shrink.<br />
<br />
Luckily, my brother knew a doctor who generously took the time to talk to me. He said, &quot;<a href="http://lipozem.ru.com/oX2fgI10uywyRTd8EIefi7duCYpYy1ED4rFGOiQzCAc1NZcioA" http:="" microsoft.com="" style="font-weight:bold;" target="_blank">My buddy from college is an audiologist, I&#39;m sure he&#39;d have some insight and maybe a new solution.</a>&quot;<br />
<br />
And Jack was right! His friend, Dr. Henry L. Innerton generously agreed to a call with me after his closing hours the very next day. My goshdarn husband was too stubborn to go on the call but I was happy to do it anyway.<br />
<br />
Of course, Dr. Henry L. Innerton started talking about the scariest consequences first&mdash;how my husband&#39;s hearing could be affecting her brain.<br />
<br />
&quot;It&#39;s a good idea to take care of these problems as early as possible,&quot; Dr. Innerton explained, &quot;Because there&#39;s actually a connection between hearing loss and senility. I learned about it in med school, but it didn&#39;t really hit home for me until my own mother started losing her hearing and her mind.&quot;<br />
<br />
&quot;Oh my goodness!&quot; I said, terrified, &quot;How does that happen?&quot;<br />
<br />
&quot;It&#39;s because of the close connection between all parts of the human head,&quot; Dr. Innerton explained, &quot;When there&#39;s hearing loss, it can cause disorientation of the inner ear, which leads to balance problems and vertigo, as well as tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and even partial hearing loss.&quot;<br />
<br />
He went on...<br />
<br />
&quot;When the brain has to deal with all of these problems, it makes it harder to complete its normal functions. There&#39;s only so heavy of a cognitive load a brain can take,&quot; he said.<br />
<br />
&quot;What caused this? Why is it so bad?&quot; I wondered.<br />
<br />
&quot;Hearing loss is often associated with impacted eardrums, which can be caused by something like Q-tips, pushing wax in deeper instead of pulling it out,&quot; Dr. Innerton said, &quot;Anything that doesn&#39;t properly clean out the ears, and leaves old wax behind, is a problem.&quot;<br />
<br />
Images of my husband &quot;digging for gold&quot; filled my head. This was not good. I was terrified!<br />
<br />
&quot;What can we do?&quot; I asked Dr. Innerton, &quot;My husband has been using Q-tips for years, and now I can see why they don&#39;t work. Is it too late?&quot;<br />
<br />
I felt so afraid. What would I do if my husband lost his mind, his memory, his sense of self? What if I had to send him to a terrible nursing home?<br />
<br />
&quot;It&#39;s not too late,&quot; Dr. Innerton said, &quot;And there are 2 options...&quot;<br />
<br />
&quot;The first one is to go to a specialist, an audiologist like me,&quot; Dr. Innerton said, &quot;I could find a hearing device to suit him, and get an order in. They often take weeks to fulfill hearing aid orders, and normally cost between $2,000 and $7,000.&quot;<br />
<br />
I gasped. How could we afford that??<br />
<br />
So I had to ask, &quot;There&#39;s another option, right?&quot;<br />
<br />
&quot;Yep, and I personally think the other option is much better,&quot; Dr. Innerton said, &quot;It&#39;s an in-home solution, so no need for frequent doctor visits, which can actually put us more at risk. Plus, it&#39;s a fraction of the cost, for years of clearer hearing. I recommend it to all of my patients.&quot;<br />
<br />
&quot;What is it?!&quot; I pretty much yelled.<br />
<br />
Dr. Innerton chuckled and told me something life changing...<br />
<br />
&quot;The other option is an Oricle hearing device, and it&#39;s amazing,&quot; Dr. Innerton said, &quot;It&#39;s an affordable, medical-grade hearing device that&#39;s safe for everyone.&quot;<br />
<br />
&quot;Would something like that really work for my husband? Her hearing loss seems pretty bad,&quot; I said.<br />
<br />
&quot;Well that&#39;s the thing about hearing loss,&quot; Dr. Innerton said, &quot;Even mild hearing loss can cause a drastic dip in quality of life. To me, it sounds like Bob is still in the mild to moderate stage of hearing loss, which is why he should get a pair of Oricles now, before the problem becomes worse and he needs to pay thousands. In cases of mild to moderate hearing loss, I&#39;ve never known it not to work,&quot; he said, &quot;It&#39;s the most effective and affordable hearing booster device on the market. And it&#39;s available online, so it&#39;s easy for anyone to get it.&quot;<br />
<br />
I thanked him and quickly got off the phone to do some more research online. Now that I had a possible solution for my husband in my sights, I was a real eager beaver!<br />
<br />
And I have to say, I was stunned by the reviews I was seeing.<br />
<br />
12,335 5-star reviews!<br />
<br />
<span style="font-size: 34px;">&quot;I could finally hear!&quot;</span><br />
<div style="background-color:#EFEFEF;padding:10px;">The first day I wore them amazing things happened! I could hear the timer beep on the microwave, and hear every word my daughter-in-law said (first time in 16 years)&quot;</div>
<br />
<br />
<span style="font-size: 34px;">&quot;These make me WANT to wear them...&quot;</span><br />
<div style="background-color:#EFEFEF;padding:10px;">I know people who are hard of hearing but probably don&#39;t want the world to know it, These make me WANT to wear them because they work and they stay hidden!</div>
<br />
<br />
<span style="font-size: 34px;">&quot;One of my best purchases period&quot;</span><br />
<div style="background-color:#EFEFEF;padding:10px;">I haven&#39;t had any problems at all. No itching, the sound is clear and crisp, so comfortable that I forget they are in my ears. Way better than my old $4,000 hearing aids!</div>
<br />
<br />
When I saw the price, I couldn&#39;t believe it. Could something so affordable really make such a big difference in my husband&#39;s hearing loss?<br />
<br />
Well, I might have been crazy, but I decided to trust Dr. Innerton&#39;s advice, and order it right away.<br />
<br />
When I saw there was a 90 day full guarantee, I knew I had nothing to lose, and everything to gain. I decided to order a pair of Oricle hearing devices for my husband right away.<br />
<br />
But when I clicked the BUY NOW button, they were SOLD OUT!! My heart dropped, but I was determined. Now that I had a solution for my husband in my sights, there was no way I was going to give up.<br />
<br />
I checked back the next couple of days until Oricle was back in stock. Once again, I clicked the BUY NOW button&mdash;this time, I clicked so fast that it made my fingers burn! I felt such a great sense of relief wash over me when I got my confirmation email. My husband&#39;s hearing device was on its way!<br />
<br />
When it arrived, I was surprised. I thought it would be this weird looking and bulky medical device, but they were compact and cute, like those fancy bluetooth earbuds the kids wear. Could this little thing really make such a big difference in my husband&#39;s life?<br />
<br />
Long story short, it did!<br />
<br />
I couldn&#39;t wait to see how it worked for my husband. As soon as I received the Oricle, I rushed over to find him. I found him in the livingroom, watching TV turned all the way up, of course.<br />
<br />
I muted the TV and showed him the Oricle, and to my surprise, he just looked sad.<br />
<br />
&quot;How could this work for me?&quot; he asked me, &quot;I&#39;ve already tried everything?&quot;<br />
<br />
It broke my heart to see my husband feeling so hopeless, and I was more determined than ever to get him to try them. Eventually, he gave in and put them in her ears.<br />
<br />
&quot;How do they feel?&quot; I asked.<br />
<br />
&quot;Not bad,&quot; he said with a smile, &quot;And I can&#39;t believe how clearly I just heard that!&quot;<br />
<br />
&quot;How about this?&quot; I whispered.<br />
<br />
My husband laughed and smiled and nodded. It looked like the Oricle was really working!<br />
<br />
&quot;Okay, how about a little test?&quot; I asked, and he smiled and said he was ready.<br />
<br />
I walked into the kitchen, and in a normal tone of voice, I asked him if he wanted spaghetti or meatloaf for dinner.<br />
<br />
&quot;How about both!&quot; he answered right away, &quot;I feel hungry enough to eat an elephant right now! I&#39;ll make the spaghetti and we can pull a meatloaf out of the freezer.&quot;<br />
<br />
The Oricle really worked!!<br />
<br />
Ever since they came into our life, my husband has stopped being so darn loud! I can finally hear myself think when he&#39;s around.<br />
<br />
It&#39;s a miracle, and such a bargain for the price we paid. It&#39;s the best money I&#39;ve ever spent!<br />
<br />
UPDATE<br />
<br />
As of Sat, 15 Feb 2025 20:09:16 +0100, <a href="http://lipozem.ru.com/oX2fgI10uywyRTd8EIefi7duCYpYy1ED4rFGOiQzCAc1NZcioA" http:="" microsoft.com="" style="font-weight:bold;" target="_blank">Oricle Hearing is offering a special of 50% discount</a> for new readers. But hurry, because it is in such high demand it may run out of stock.<br />
<br />
<a href="http://lipozem.ru.com/oX2fgI10uywyRTd8EIefi7duCYpYy1ED4rFGOiQzCAc1NZcioA" http:="" microsoft.com="" style="font-weight:bold;" target="_blank">Apply Discount &amp; Check Availability &gt;&gt;&gt;</a><br />
<br />
Hope you guys enjoyed reading!<br />
<br />
- Amelia and The Klean Ears Team<br />
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<div style="color:#FFFFFF;font-size:10px;visibility:hidden;">eir small size. The small size is associated with greater agility, faster development, and lower nutritional needs. Tettigoniids are tree-living insects that are most commonly heard at night during summer and early fall. Tettigoniids may be distinguished from the grasshopper by the length of their filamentous antennae, which may exceed their own body length, while grasshoppers&#39; antennae are always relatively short and thickened. Katydid camouflaged on a bamboo leaf Life cycle Katydid eggs attached in rows to a plant stem Duration: 1 minute and 39 seconds.1:39 Katydid nymph Eggs are typically oval and may be attached in rows to plants. Where the eggs are deposited relates to the way the ovipositor is formed. It consists of up to three pairs of appendages formed to transmit the egg, to make a place for it, and place it properly. Tettigoniids have either sickle-shaped ovipositors which typically lay eggs in dead or living plant matter, or uniform long ovipositors which lay eggs in grass stems. When tettigoniids hatch, the nymphs often look like small, wingless versions of the adults, but in some species, the nymphs look nothing at all like the adult and rather mimic other species such as ants, spiders and assassin bugs, or flowers, to prevent predation. The nymphs remain in a mimic state only until they are large enough to escape pr</div>
<br />
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