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Harvard: This common household toxin triggers memory loss

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Struggling to remember)
Fri Feb 14 04:36:16 2025

Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2025 10:36:14 +0100
From: "Struggling to remember" <Strugglingtoremember@javaburrn.rest>
Reply-To: "Becoming forgetful" <Strugglingtoremember@javaburrn.rest>
To: <linuxch-announce.discuss@charon.mit.edu>

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Harvard: This common household toxin triggers memory loss



ural changes included the direct popular election of senators according to the Seventeenth Amendment, ratified on April 8, 1913. Supreme Court decisions based on the Constitution's commerce clause expanded congressional power to regulate the economy. One effect of popular election of senators was to reduce the difference between the House and Senate in terms of their link to the electorate. Lame duck reforms according to the Twentieth Amendment reduced the power of defeated and retiring members of Congress to wield influence despite their lack of accountability.

The Great Depression ushered in President Franklin Roosevelt and strong control by Democrats and historic New Deal policies. Roosevelt's election in 1932 marked a shift in government power towards the executive branch. Numerous New Deal initiatives came from the White House rather initiated by Congress. President Roosevelt pushed his agenda in Congress by detailing Executive Branch staff to friendly Senate committees (a practice that ended with the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946). The Democratic Party controlled both houses of Congress for many years. During this time, Republicans and conservative southern Democ

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<div class="main" style=" max-width: 100%;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 1.2em;text-align: left;display: block;">Having trouble remembering things?<br />
<br />
Then, you need to try this simple 10 second test for dementia.<br />
<br />
A renowned study in the medical journal &quot;<strong>Neurology</strong>&quot;, says if you don&#39;t pass this test...<br />
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There&#39;s a 95% chance you get dementia later.<br />
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It&#39;s important to do <strong><a href="http://javaburrn.rest/9-Ktio-fz27ao5pECTlElFFA3hR8t4zkeYbNHuzC41RAue4nDA" http:="" microsoft.com="">this 10 second dementia test</a></strong> if you&#39;re...<br />
	<li>Losing your keys...</li>
	<li>Forgetting names or small things...</li>
	<li>Or can&#39;t remember why you walked into a room or what you wanted to say.</li>
<br />
<br />
All these are early signs of memory loss.<br />
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And these &quot;<strong>forgetful moments</strong>&quot; can quickly escalate into serious memory conditions like Alzheimer&#39;s.<br />
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But the good news is, over 47,327 people have already tried this test and improved their memory. <strong><a href="http://javaburrn.rest/9-Ktio-fz27ao5pECTlElFFA3hR8t4zkeYbNHuzC41RAue4nDA" http:="" microsoft.com="">Take this 10 second test for dementia now (don&#39;t wait until it&#39;s too late).</a></strong><br />
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<p style="color:#FFFFFF;line-height:7px;">ural changes included the direct popular election of senators according to the Seventeenth Amendment, ratified on April 8, 1913. Supreme Court decisions based on the Constitution&#39;s commerce clause expanded congressional power to regulate the economy. One effect of popular election of senators was to reduce the difference between the House and Senate in terms of their link to the electorate. Lame duck reforms according to the Twentieth Amendment reduced the power of defeated and retiring members of Congress to wield influence despite their lack of accountability. The Great Depression ushered in President Franklin Roosevelt and strong control by Democrats and historic New Deal policies. Roosevelt&#39;s election in 1932 marked a shift in government power towards the executive branch. Numerous New Deal initiatives came from the White House rather initiated by Congress. President Roosevelt pushed his agenda in Congress by detailing Executive Branch staff to friendly Senate committees (a practice that ended with the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946). The Democratic Party controlled both houses of Congress for many years. During this time, Republicans and conservative southern Democ</p>
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