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Protect Your Vision Now for a Brighter Future

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (SightCare Experts)
Wed Feb 12 12:17:51 2025

Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2025 18:17:15 +0100
From: "SightCare Experts" <Eyesurgerycancelled@dontea.za.com>
Reply-To: "Eye surgery cancelled" <SightCareExperts@dontea.za.com>
To: <linuxch-announce.discuss@charon.mit.edu>

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Protect Your Vision Now for a Brighter Future



llowed about the ethical negotiation and upholding of rights by the colonial government. The superintendent of the fort, Chief Factor James Douglas, was made the second governor of the Vancouver Island Colony (Richard Blanshard was first governor, Arthur Edward Kennedy was third and last governor), and would be the leading figure in the early development of the city until his retirement in 1864.[citation needed]

When news of the discovery of gold on the British Columbia mainland reached San Francisco in 1858, Victoria became the port, supply base, and outfitting centre for miners on their way to the Fraser Canyon gold fields, mushrooming from a population of 300 to over 5000 within a few days. Victoria was inco

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<div style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 18px; max-width: 600px; text-align: left;padding:10px;">If you feel that your vision is getting worse by the day...<br />
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..and doctors are telling you that there is not much you can do about it..<br />
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..then you&#39;ve probably heard the same pathetic lies that they keep regurgitating in order to keep their pockets full..<br />
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That it&#39;s normal for someone your age.. and you should wear glasses..<br />
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And that the only way to restore your vision is by going under the knife!<br />
<br />
But, you need to <a href="http://dontea.za.com/TWA7WMtc1M2go5mb0U48uJmHyA4mSM3CHIHj3n0oBW-6Hi9Zkg" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" style="font-weight:bold" target="blank">watch THIS short video and take this 1 minute vision test</a> before you give up all your hope and risk your life for a procedure that doesn&#39;t guarantee a thing.<br />
<br />
<a href="http://dontea.za.com/TWA7WMtc1M2go5mb0U48uJmHyA4mSM3CHIHj3n0oBW-6Hi9Zkg" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" target="blank"><img http:="" microsoft.com="" src="http://dontea.za.com/2001111c97a55d2538.gif" style="width:600px;" /></a><br />
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Because you will discover a 100% natural method that has already helped thousands of people worldwide heal their vision loss and get better eyesight fast!<br />
<br />
<a href="http://dontea.za.com/TWA7WMtc1M2go5mb0U48uJmHyA4mSM3CHIHj3n0oBW-6Hi9Zkg" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" style="font-weight:bold" target="blank">Click here and see the scientific studies that prove that this method will work perfectly for you too: If you&#39;re thinking about eye surgery, I urge you to reconsider.</a><br />
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<p><a href="https://youtube.com/shorts/I2yDtEh3L3E?si=QLHjExNGoXKI_IeM" http:="" microsoft.com="" target="blank"><img src="http://dontea.za.com/9f95814ec6691c0774.jpg" /></a></p>
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<div style="color:#FFFFFF;font-size:8px;visibility:hidden;">llowed about the ethical negotiation and upholding of rights by the colonial government. The superintendent of the fort, Chief Factor James Douglas, was made the second governor of the Vancouver Island Colony (Richard Blanshard was first governor, Arthur Edward Kennedy was third and last governor), and would be the leading figure in the early development of the city until his retirement in 1864.[citation needed] When news of the discovery of gold on the British Columbia mainland reached San Francisco in 1858, Victoria became the port, supply base, and outfitting centre for miners on their way to the Fraser Canyon gold fields, mushrooming from a population of 300 to over 5000 within a few days. Victoria was inco</div>
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<a href="http://dontea.za.com/R7FzeuwGYrYZpSd6VPerJ9jEIioNKuR8XUumW44uQn_70-_HUQ" http:="" microsoft.com="" target="blank"><img http:="" microsoft.com="" src="http://dontea.za.com/8b0c044ac9a1c02b98.jpg" /></a><br />
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