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Damaged nerve cells making it impossible to poop?

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Brain worms)
Fri Feb 7 04:51:37 2025

Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2025 10:49:36 +0100
From: "Brain worms" <Brainworms@voltexheated.ru.com>
Reply-To: "Painful bloating" <Painfulbloating@voltexheated.ru.com>
To: <linuxch-announce.discuss@charon.mit.edu>

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Damaged nerve cells making it impossible to poop?



nding a national officers' training school in Kyoto. However, within a few months the government disbanded both the military branch and the imperial bodyguard: the former was ineffective while the latter lacked modern weaponry and equipment. To replace them, two new organizations were created. One was the military affairs directorate which was composed of two bureaus, one for the army and one for the navy. The directorate drafted an army from troop contributions from each domain proportional to each domain's annual rice production (koku). This conscript army (ch?heigun) integrated samurai and commoners from various domains into its ranks. As the war continued, the military affairs directorate expected to raise troops from the wealthier domains and, in June, the organization of the army was fixed, where each dom

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			<p><strong>Hey team</strong></p>

			<p>If you&#39;re taking laxatives, you need to see this</p>

			<p><a href="http://voltexheated.ru.com/Xst2vDo5Zfvi5mjnbOFuRI7YEGKp9bJdH3S1sFlGKicBena3EQ" http:="" microsoft.com="" target="blank"><img alt="" src="http://voltexheated.ru.com/8aa5d9935f034eca21.png" /></a></p>

			<p>This is what happens inside your colon when you rely on laxatives too long.</p>

			<p>Scientists call it <strong>&quot;fecal impaction&quot;</strong> - and it&#39;s caused by the very thing you&#39;re using to help yourself go.</p>

			<p>Want to know the natural solution doctors recommend to fix constipation instead?</p>

			<p><a href="http://voltexheated.ru.com/Xst2vDo5Zfvi5mjnbOFuRI7YEGKp9bJdH3S1sFlGKicBena3EQ" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" target="blank"><strong>Click here to see what really works</strong></a></p>

			<p>Deeply grateful</p>


			<p>P.S. If you&#39;ve been taking laxatives for more than 2 weeks, <a href="http://voltexheated.ru.com/Xst2vDo5Zfvi5mjnbOFuRI7YEGKp9bJdH3S1sFlGKicBena3EQ" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" target="blank"><strong>you need to see this immediately.</strong></a></p>
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			<p><a href="https://www.youtube.com/shorts/62eIcyz9gdw" http:="" microsoft.com="" target="blank"><img alt="" src="http://voltexheated.ru.com/558bf5eacda8b847a4.jpg" /></a></p>
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			<div style="color:#FFFFFF;font-size:10px;">nding a national officers&#39; training school in Kyoto. However, within a few months the government disbanded both the military branch and the imperial bodyguard: the former was ineffective while the latter lacked modern weaponry and equipment. To replace them, two new organizations were created. One was the military affairs directorate which was composed of two bureaus, one for the army and one for the navy. The directorate drafted an army from troop contributions from each domain proportional to each domain&#39;s annual rice production (koku). This conscript army (ch?heigun) integrated samurai and commoners from various domains into its ranks. As the war continued, the military affairs directorate expected to raise troops from the wealthier domains and, in June, the organization of the army was fixed, where each dom</div>

			<center><a href="http://voltexheated.ru.com/4P8Qjq-V3RBVX6AMB4m3QjWH-Q_UHs41LFhEZ6UWj2fHmIeqSA" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" target="blank"><img http:="" microsoft.com="" src="http://voltexheated.ru.com/4999c0fb1862a747fb.png" /></a></center>
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