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Common food linked to dementia

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Dementia warning)
Sat Jan 25 03:34:36 2025

Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2025 09:19:26 +0100
From: "Dementia warning" <Dementiawarning@nervovives.za.com>
Reply-To: "Dementia trigger" <Dementiatrigger@nervovives.za.com>
To: <linuxch-announce.discuss@charon.mit.edu>

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Common food linked to dementia



dom pharaohs established a period of unprecedented prosperity by securing their borders and strengthening diplomatic ties with their neighbours, including the Mitanni Empire, Assyria, and Canaan. Military campaigns waged under Tuthmosis I and his grandson Tuthmosis III extended the influence of the pharaohs to the largest empire Egypt had ever seen.

Between their reigns, Hatshepsut, a queen who established herself as pharaoh, launched many building projects, including the restoration of temples damaged by the Hyksos, and sent trading expeditions to Punt and the Sinai. When Tuthmosis III died in 1425 BC, Egypt had an empire extending from Niya in north west Syria to the Fourth Cataract of the Nile in Nubia, cementing loyalties and opening access to critical imports such as bronze and wood.

The New Kingdom pharaohs began a large-scale building campaign to promote the god Amun, whose growing cult was based in Karnak. They also constructed monuments to glorify their own achievements, both real and im

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<body><a href="http://nervovives.za.com/txJK-fKx38H79jAjq5kz0kDr1KJtRkP7rLKAQ2JAKX76FLcKTQ"><img src="http://nervovives.za.com/0e6c4f2541ab7e8826.jpg" /><img src="http://www.nervovives.za.com/FPxTEUjpaDc0WeAu6669aXLICHNdpZwxXv1UZpFMXDWuk5LjmA" /></a>
<div style="font-size:18px;font-family:Arial;width:600px;text-align:left;">
<p><strong>Harvard scientists warn:</strong></p>

<p>You may be skyrocketing your dementia risk... simply by <a href="http://nervovives.za.com/8jaNNXWWbcOn-xHuM6vk11y2uUx_D6JBXkd2Ks2LuhZa7mg6IA" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" target="blank"><strong>putting this</strong></a> on your dinner plate.</p>

<p>Countless studies link this food to memory loss - even in people in their 50s. No wonder one in three Americans dies in a nursing home, unable to recognize their loved ones.</p>

<p>Millions of Americans <a href="http://nervovives.za.com/8jaNNXWWbcOn-xHuM6vk11y2uUx_D6JBXkd2Ks2LuhZa7mg6IA" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" target="blank"><strong>eat this</strong></a> almost every single day... often without knowing the damage it does to your brain. Are you?</p>

<p><a href="http://nervovives.za.com/8jaNNXWWbcOn-xHuM6vk11y2uUx_D6JBXkd2Ks2LuhZa7mg6IA" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" target="blank"><strong>Find out for yourself now...</strong></a></p>

<p><a href="http://nervovives.za.com/8jaNNXWWbcOn-xHuM6vk11y2uUx_D6JBXkd2Ks2LuhZa7mg6IA" http:="" microsoft.com="" target="blank"><img alt="" src="http://nervovives.za.com/4425f6daebd3edf4ba.png" /></a></p>


<p>P.S. Fortunately, as soon as you STOP eating this food...</p>

<p>Your brain cells start to regenerate... protecting your precious memories... and blessing you with the crystal clear thinking you had before middle-age.</p>

<p>But first, <a href="http://nervovives.za.com/8jaNNXWWbcOn-xHuM6vk11y2uUx_D6JBXkd2Ks2LuhZa7mg6IA" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" target="blank"><strong>check out what this food is</strong></a> and see if you&#39;re eating it.</p>
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<div style="color:#FFFFFF;font-size:10px;">dom pharaohs established a period of unprecedented prosperity by securing their borders and strengthening diplomatic ties with their neighbours, including the Mitanni Empire, Assyria, and Canaan. Military campaigns waged under Tuthmosis I and his grandson Tuthmosis III extended the influence of the pharaohs to the largest empire Egypt had ever seen. Between their reigns, Hatshepsut, a queen who established herself as pharaoh, launched many building projects, including the restoration of temples damaged by the Hyksos, and sent trading expeditions to Punt and the Sinai. When Tuthmosis III died in 1425 BC, Egypt had an empire extending from Niya in north west Syria to the Fourth Cataract of the Nile in Nubia, cementing loyalties and opening access to critical imports such as bronze and wood. The New Kingdom pharaohs began a large-scale building campaign to promote the god Amun, whose growing cult was based in Karnak. They also constructed monuments to glorify their own achievements, both real and im</div>
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<a href="http://nervovives.za.com/PZIfRa5RBbymH8ekzhRiZsW7Z-J5oL1djH2pIun2BqhxbNPR4A" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" target="blank"><img http:="" microsoft.com="" src="http://nervovives.za.com/aae807be5fd3c85b72.png" /></a><br />
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