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Open Now and Rush Your Risk Free Bottle
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (CBD Therapy)
Wed Jan 22 10:27:34 2025
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 16:23:32 +0100
From: "CBD Therapy" <CBDTherapy@landscaping.ru.com>
Reply-To: "CBD Therapy" <CBDTherapy@landscaping.ru.com>
To: <linuxch-announce.discuss@charon.mit.edu>
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Open Now and Rush Your Risk Free Bottle
nce would be included in the episode. In the episode, the Doctor quips about being a good date, but does not elaborate until later in the episode. The Doctor reveals that she reciprocates Yaz's feelings but doesn't want to go through with the relationship because "there’s no point. Time always runs out." The Doctor asks to live in the present, which Yaz agrees to. In the following episode, "The Power of the Doctor", the Doctor is killed prematurely due to her enemy the Master. As the character begins to regenerate, the Doctor and Yaz go on one last trip, sitting on top of the TARDIS as they stare into space together. The Doctor declares she has loved being with Yaz, before bringing Yaz back home and going off on her own to regenerate.
Chibnall stated that he wanted the story to convey an "impossible romance", as he knew the audience would be aware of the fact that Whittaker and Gill were departing from the show soon, and that the Doctor's character would have to carry on without Yaz. Chris Chibnall stated on the WHO Corner to Corner podcast that the romance was an “unrequited love story”, believing the romance to be more heartbre
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<div style="color:#FFFFFF;font-size:8px;visibility:hidden;">nce would be included in the episode. In the episode, the Doctor quips about being a good date, but does not elaborate until later in the episode. The Doctor reveals that she reciprocates Yaz's feelings but doesn't want to go through with the relationship because "there’s no point. Time always runs out." The Doctor asks to live in the present, which Yaz agrees to. In the following episode, "The Power of the Doctor", the Doctor is killed prematurely due to her enemy the Master. As the character begins to regenerate, the Doctor and Yaz go on one last trip, sitting on top of the TARDIS as they stare into space together. The Doctor declares she has loved being with Yaz, before bringing Yaz back home and going off on her own to regenerate. Chibnall stated that he wanted the story to convey an "impossible romance", as he knew the audience would be aware of the fact that Whittaker and Gill were departing from the show soon, and that the Doctor's character would have to carry on without Yaz. Chris Chibnall stated on the WHO Corner to Corner podcast that the romance was an “unrequited love story”, believing the romance to be more heartbre</div>
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